Mini Movie Marathon!

I've been missing a few good movies or rather movies I would love to watch.
Sometimes, it was because my schedules were too pack with other activities (dinners, family's & friends' gatherings/celebrations/meet ups, etc), too much OT or I can't find the right kakis to watch the kind of movies I like.

Since I can finally find the RIGHT people to watch the RIGHT kind of movies, I watched 2 movies in a row today! Wohoo! v(^_^)o

Went back SDC to watch, "The Dark Knight Rises".
Since primary school, whenever I was told to write movie reviews, journals or essays, I would use "Spiderman" or "Batman" as my ideas.
That is also 1 of the reasons why I never felt any regrets for not watching "The Avengers" even though a lot of people around me kept telling me how good that show was & I missed it.
Reason being, this year being a "Super Hero" year, a lot of block busters are about them.
The top 2 Super Heroes I love, they have their own block busters & they did not "take part" in the Avengers. So it was not a significant loss to me for not catching "The Avengers".

I LOVE Batman! And this show is marvellous!
Totally worth sitting in the theatre for 162mins and ended up with a numbed butt.
The thing I love most about watching all these Super Heros' movies is that even though I feel "OUCH!" for them during their course of fighting against the villains, I know in the end they would win.
My Super Heroes kept my belief/dream of "The Evil will NEVER triumph over the GOOD/KIND!" true to this very day.

However, I trust that anything in the world can never be liked by 100% of the population around.
And quoting 1 of my BFFs, "9 out of 10 movie-goers would love this show." My friend is the 10th though.
But for my own movie review, I would say, you should really catch this block buster on the big screen before it ends if you have not. =)

Another show I watched, "I Miss You".

The title alone give some people creeps.
I LOVE horror movies especially Thailand ones. (The scarier, the better!)
But this movie is a disappointment as it has advertised itself as "Top Grossing Thai Horror in 2012".
However, IF they have advertised as a romance movie, I will give it 10 out of 10 thumbs up!
The ghost was not scary & most of the scenes, you have expected it (the ghost) to "pop out".
The story line is very touching indeed.
And I don't remember seeing any so-called "GROSS" scenes.
Or maybe "Shutter" has already TOP my horror movie list & no other horror movie (from any countries) has come close.
Definitely worth watching for those who loves romance movies but not for those seeking horror movies which makes you jump off your seat or kept you thinking and looking behind your backs for days/weeks after watching the show. ^_^


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