The youngest pig (zhus) b'day!

Either blogging has gotten too boring/taxing for me or I'm too busy or maybe I'm just plain lazy lah, here's a pretty outdated blog entry...

On 30th Sep 2011, the zhus celebrated Sy's b'day!

Our dearest zhuzi aka yz aka 1 stick aka Manly (her new name) recommended us this steamboat place, "Le Le Pot (乐乐锅)".
The owner is an actor from Mediacorp. (I duno his name, he always act as bad guy de).
Once u reached the shop, you'll surely know who he is if you do watched Mediacorp shows, coz his photos are everywhere on the wall! =P

Well, in my own opinion, I think the food is fresher & tastier than Chong Qing Steamboat.
However, as we didn't have a "good" experience on our first (other than yz) visit, that's prob our last time there too.

When we were settling the bill, they claimed that we have more than 4 balls (I think meatballs) floating in the soup & wanted to charge us food wastage of $10.
So we said, "Alright, we shall go back to finish the balls."
However, upon turning back, we saw the waitress started to pour all other stuff into 1 of the pots.
So, we told the cashier, "Even if we wanted to finish the food, there's no way we can do it now."

And then, after blaming the waitress for clearing the table when she has told her not to, the cashier said, "In that case, I shall charge you $5 then."
Throughout the settlement, she kept mumbling, "Told you not to keep, if not, could have charge $10."

Alright, we admit we were partly at fault for not checking if we finished the food.
But since you agreed (involuntarily) to charge only $5, then so be it.
Stop grumbling! -_-"

Coz we were too hungry by the time we reached, we attacked the food almost immediately & didn't take much photos. =P

In case any of you interested to go:-
58 Seng Poh Road #01-23 S160058
Tel : 6222 9442

After dinner, we headed to Great World City for some drinks at TCC.
This place has not changed much since 12yrs back; more than half of the stores stayed where they used to be back then.
A very nostalgic place for me indeed. =)

When we were there, Andrea most of us "had fun" teasing the waiter who talked more to gu-niang than darling. haha *lol*
He got so scared of us & told us that it's his last week of work there. haha =P
No lah, I think he's a student & sch's prob opening for him the week after le.

The group photo which the 20yr old waiter took for us. haha =)

Time flies; it'd been 11yrs since we first know each other, though the group gatherings get less frequent & smaller nowadays, the bond is here to stay.
Pilot Tan, if u're still reading my blog, pls know that you're GREATLY missed by all of us! =D


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