My life chart at the moment. . .

Just came back from my night jog, I always get crazy ideas of all sorts flowing through my mind when I go jogging.

If only the ideas of my story, "By Chance" will flow directly from my brain to the MS Word file in my hard disk whenever they came to me while I was jogging, that will be fantastic.
I know how my story is going to be, but putting them in words is tough. =(

English is not my forte.
Can I write in Chinese & some kind soul translate them into English for me instead?
haha =P Just kidding, I don't like to co-write my story.

Yah, I've finally started to pen down my story in words.
Initial plan was to complete it this weekend so that I can concentrate on my exams revision.
Well, plans are just plans. I didn't even finished 1/2 of my story.

It's ok, I know even if I complete my story, I won't start my revision that soon!
Though I'm starting to feel abit of stress after seeing the mock exams qns. =P

Alright, back to the topic on my life chart.

Family has always been a huge part of my life, there is no doubt or any explanation needed on why it took up a big chunk of the pie.

Gf & friends has the same percentage?
Yes, that is how I apportion them.
Once, a female friend of mine qns me on that & from her responses, I guess she felt that it wasn't right or acceptable.
However, to each of his own, yah? ^_^

Thinking back, perhaps that's one of the reasons why I was rejected by sunshine.
She mentioned before that she NEEDS to feel important to her other half; if she starts to feel that the other half treat others just like how she was treated, she'll feel insecure.

An ex of hers who has the same horoscope as me behaves the same way too & I remember she used to comment that the 2 of us are very alike.
If there's a reason why the other person is an ex, it maybe the same reason why I was rejected?

Still, even if I could turn back time, I'll not change the percentage.
My friends have always been with me, whether I'm single or attached.
Therefore, I think they deserve no less than how I treat my gf. =)

The only time my gf gets more than my friends is after we got married.
Coz she'll have become part of my Ohana (40%) + the original 20% she has to her own.

As for work/sch VS hobbies/leisure, they get the same apportion as well.
Simple reason, I am someone who believes in work smart, play hard!
I'm serious when it comes to work but I emphasizes on the importance of rest & relax! =D


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