Random Thursday! =D

A reader complained commented that my blog has got lesser entries nowadays.
So I replied saying my life has nth interesting to update mah.
I was countered with, "U are not a guy who has boring life since u got so many wives."
Erm, well. . . It's true I have many wives, but . . . better dun say anything. haha *lol*

For a lazy person like me; when lessons fall on Thurs & Fri, you wouldn't wana move an inch on weekends.
Coz I'm mentally drained already.
Plus the 2 modules this semester is really TAXING! =(
To make things worst, there are a few make up lessons on Sat & even Sun!
Sianz to the MAX! *with a hand sign*

As for other days:-
Most Mons, I'll be working out at the gym.
Tues - Usually the only day I make appts to meet up with friends for dinner.
Wed, either I go to the gym again or sacrifice workout day to meet up with friends if my Tues are not enough.

So readers, now you know how "boring/uninteresting" my life is, yah? =P

Not forgetting afew items on my personal to do list; Taiwan itinerary, my story - "By Chance - 邂逅", Forex lessons, etc. . .
On a brighter note, at least I have a fulfilling life thinking how to find time & accommodate the never ending activities & not having to scratch my head on wat to do next? =D

Okay, a lame qns (it only works when asked in Chinese) to end this entry.

问题 : "阿拉丁有几个哥哥?"
答案 : 3 个。他的哥哥名为阿拉甲, 阿拉乙, 阿拉丙!
(甲乙丙丁 = sth like 1,2,34, or A,B,C,D in chinese.)

Hang in there, weekends are coming! =D


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