Bits & pieces. . .

Hey, readers!
I'm back for awhile, missed me? =D
(Ok, at least I "feel" 1 or 2 heads nodding.) *lol* wahaha

Recently, not in the mood to do anything, not the even things I like.
Say, writing songs, blogging, facebooking, blah blah blah. . .
Perhaps it's age, too stressful at work/sch or watever it is. Heez =P

Despite that, I managed to catch 2 movies in Feb! =)
That's quite an achievement to even bring my butt to the theatre.

Oh! And I wrote a new song. (^^,)
Watch out for it in another entry.

Then there was the release of last semester results.
Got 72. If compared to my classmate, it was better.
But it's the worst grade of all the papers I took.
Well, it's over. So just concentrate on the remaining papers. =)

Let's look back on what I've been doing! =D

Watched this with Jie on 13th Feb 2011.

I didn't wana watch this due to 1 of the characters in the show.
But coz of some "hiccups", Jie was late in fetching me.
The only show left with timings available when we reached CWP is this movie.
PLUS, my 2 dearest cousins HIGHLY recommended this show, we decided to give it a shot.
End up, the show was just so-so. (Both Jie & I think so.)
Then Xiong concluded, "Age-gap".
Ok, fine. Whatever! =P

I admit it's funny. (A comedy, wat were u expecting?)
But it's a typical kind of show with an expected ending.
Even 2 of my fave movie stars, Louis Koo & Cecilia Cheung couldn't save the ratings either. -_-"

Went back SDC to catch this show with 2.5 siblings yesterday!

Not only the companion rocks, so do this show!
It is SO mind provoking! Definitely worth watching!!
Alot of my friends around me even watch twice!!
Highly recommended though a bit giddy coz some of the scenes were taken from a camera attached to the lead actor.
Thank god it was not in 3D! =P
I would have vomited my lunch.

Do go catch it if u're free!! v(^_^)o

And today, I went gym-ing with WC & Jie (our personal "trainer).
It was a devilish workout to me. I have never like going to the gym.
It's just so intimidating with all those BIG sizes folks around. =(
But for a fitter & leaner body, I just gota get myself working out more often!

Jie asked, "Don't you feel your biceps coming out now?"
Hmm. . . Just 1 session? Nah!
But I certainly feel my whole body aching for sure! =P
However, I shall bite on to achieve the body I want. =)

P/S : The female ang moh physical instructor there is very charismatic though. ^_^
She came over once to teach me how to use 1 of the machines. I almost melted. *awww*


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