As clear as a glass of plain water?

1 of my "wives" (MC) in SDC bought this book when she went Taiwan.
《等一个人咖啡》 - 九把刀-
Direct Translation : Waiting for one person coffee
But I think what the author was trying to say was to wait for someone who appreciate the same type of coffee as you.
Read : Common Interests

1 fine day, MC came over to me excitedly. She was usually a calm person who's not easily amused or excited. So her hyper-ness got me excitedly too.

She said, "Hey! I have got a book & I think you would like it! Will bring & lend to you!"
My immediate reply to her was, "BUT I really take a VERY long time in reading 1 book."
With a I-know-it-long-ago smile, she said, "Yes, I know. It's ok as I've finished reading it. You can take your time to read."

(Sy, in case u've forgotten; ur book, "He's just not that into you." is still with me. Heez =P In case any1 wants to borrow from you or u wana read it again, den u let me know, I'll return to u 1st, ok?)

Anyway, I think MC already experienced that herself. The other time she recommended & lent me a DVD & I told her the same thing too.
End up, I REALLY took a LONG time b4 I returned to her ONLY upon her request.
She needs to use for her class & I've not finished watching it; so I told her I would borrow from her again & burn a copy after I buy an empty DVD. Heez =P

For this book, I've not finished reading it either. =P
And I wouldn't have start IF NOT for MC's persistent asking for afew days, "So, you like the book?" / "How you find the story?" / "Which chapter are you reading now?".
I'm not irritated. Instead, I felt guilty tt I'm missing out such a GOOD book & need her constant reminders to START reading this book.

Finally, I "FORCED" myself to open the 1st page. And that's IT!
I'm TOTALLY woo-ed into the story.
Despite that, I still have not finish reading it. Heez =P Yes, I'm a VERY SLOW reader.

All these years, I have not mastered speed reading. I can take a whole 10mins to finish reading 2 pages IF ppl keep talking to me while I'm reading. I juz can't multi-task & concentrate on reading; Diane & Shirleen experienced this themselves too. haha *lol*

After reading 8+ out of 14 chapters of this book, some thoughts came to mind.
First of all, am I as clear as a glass of plain water?

Why do I ask that?

Coz among my wives, MC is not among those who had alot of interaction with me. She's more of a follower. We would plan outings & she'll just join in. Even when we are out, we don't really talk alot to each other. BUT she's 101% right about me liking this book.

In fact, this is just the kind of story I love & might even be the one to write a similar one in my blog. (Oh yah, I've promised my readers to start a new story BUT not yet written a word on it. SORRY!)

Either I'm easy to understand & everything abt me can be seen on the surface just like how one can see through a glass of plain water or MC is a VERY observant person.

Next, though I've not finish reading the story. I was thinking of how the writer would end it or perhaps if I was the one to write this story, how would I end it. My guess is the female lead wld prob not end up with the one she thought was her cup of coffee. Rather she would end up with the one who's willing to drink any cup of coffee she offered even though he was one who didn't like coffee in the 1st place.

And that got me pondering over another issue. . .
"Would the end be how I wish it would be?"

Well, I've persisted for so long & finally see abit of results.
I'm not one who give up easily on LOVE. So, I'll hang in there.
Furthermore, if this was a basketball match that has came to a draw, the referee has given me extra time. I think I shld make GOOD use of it. =D


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