Exam boost from Qiqi!

My last exam boost on the night b4 from Qiqi!!

Nescafe Ipoh White Coffee actually come in can de! So cool!!
(In case u didn't noe, this is my current fave coffee!!)
Tyl, do sth abt the dbl shot, yah? Den I can drink them on my drive back to BP!! =)
(Hmm. . . But, I dun think u wld be able to do that in time b4 end of June lah hor?)

Exams are FINALLY over!! Yah, I'm late. In fact, exams was last Wed.
Many asked, "How was the paper?" Haiz. . . No pt crying over spilled milk.
I'm juz keeping my fingers crossed.
The paper actually has just a difficulty level of 6.5 IF ONLY I was 100% prepared.
However I was like the most 70% prepared, the difficulty level rose to like 8.5!!

To make things worse, I was stuck wif the 1st qns for an hr. -_-"
I duno wat the **** happened to me that day! Having taken exams for so many yrs, I shld have know better to skip to other qns when I got stuck with the 1st. But I was stubbornly trying to balance my 1st qns & left with only another hr for 3 more qns! *faints*
So, I was rushing through the other 3 qns & only managed to do 2 out of 4 parts for my last qns.
Now, let's just wait for the release of results in Aug. =P

On a side note, my exam invigilator was pretty sweet looking.
But I swear tt wasn't the real reason for not having enuf time to complete my papers. =D


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