Let him/her paint your world! 让她/他为你描绘!

Grade A friend lend me a book & highly recommend that I shld read. =) For those who knows me well, I take the longest time to read a book, watch a show on VCD/DVD. (I still owe Sy her book titled, "He's not that into you." & Miao Chin her DVD on Buddha's teachings; but I did tell them I would take a SUPER LONG time to finish with it & return to them.)

So, 1 fine day, seeing this book, "Haru 的一天" slowly becoming a PR of my study desk, I decide to flip the pages & start reading it.

Came upon this chapter which I find it pretty meaningful & the next day saw my cousin blogs abt the different thinkings of a guy & a girl. So I decided to share this chapter with my dear readers as V-Day is ard the corner too.

Let me show you the original text of the chapter/article:-






Let him paint your world!

Before being in a r/s with someone else, I never know that it would be that difficult for 2 persons who have lived in 2 entire different environment for 20 odd years to live together & take care of each other.
Some ppl said, men are not good in expressing themselves. Women though are good in expressing themselves, lack the ability to be more forgiving towards men.
Women always wish that before they even say out with their own mouth on what they think, men already get it. However, the UGLY TRUTH is men can never get what women want.
So, friction between men & women would always exist.

The meeting of 2 persons is just like letting someone enter the deepest part of your heart & paint the empty drawing block of your heart.
However, if the drawing block of your heart or the other one has remains of the previous person, would it mean that this fate of yours is unable to continue?

At times, I would think if I'm lacking in this area as well.
On the drawing block of my heart, I see traces of someone else, this affects how I see my current him...
That is why, I can't understand neither do I want to listen to his explanations of his actions...
As time goes by, I suffered in self pity & even make decisions on my own...

I think, each of us should be prepared to meet someone else someday.
We should be clear of our own feelings, are we ready to allow someone new to paint the drawing block of our hearts.


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