Advance Christmas presents! =)

Recently, 1 of my wives, Shirleen asked, "Are you an easily satisfied person?"

Well, I think I am. I get excited over the slightest thing. I laughed for the longest time over a silly joke, Qiqi said I'm easily amused. Penguin Dancer, JX said my laughter is contagious. =P

It was a Christmas shopping spree for me today! Along with Grade A friend, I went in search of all the Christmas presents I'm supposed to buy. It was fun buying them. But definitely nt having to carry 4 big bags of loot back when u're not driving.

Bt at least, I shld be thankful that it was nt raining when I came home. On a positive note, I think tis is by far the longest distance & hours I've ever walked for these 2 mths. Just treat it as an exercise well done. =)

Qiqi went JB to meet her JBK & came back with an addition to my Tomy Car's collection!
It's a Pocket Monsters Bus!!

Qi said, "Next time, go JB to buy Tomy car, it's CHEAPER!"
Okok, point noted. I shall go buy a car boot full of Tomy cars the next time. v(^_^)o

Grade A friend's Christmas prez to me!

A Chip & Dale mat, but how wld I bear to step on them? So, she suggests sticking them on the wall. Let's see if I can stick them up as the mat is abit heavy, need to tink of a way to make them stay on the wall.

And a Chip & Dale photo frame + alarm clock + mirror!!

My sons are on the calendar!

Ask & u shall have it! Heez =P
I get to keep this as a Christmas present coz I was a polite boy.
I ask if I could keep this PLEASE?

It's time to fill up my calendar with impt dates for next year!!
All the b'days, gatherings, anniversaries, etc. ^_~ This calendar comes with sticker to paste too! Dun envy, just go get it from Action City!!


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