The Truth is UGLY!

Well, I knew I wana watch this show even b4 it was released. At the same time, I know alot of my friends wana watch too. However, I choose to try asking someone to watch with me only to get disappointed with the excuses given each time. So, I give up.

But I was glad I managed to find kakis @ the last min to watch this FANTASTIC movie with me. I'm prob among the last fews to watch this movie alrd. So my dear readers, if u've been waiting for my reviews on the blog b4 watching it, sorry to keep u waiting! It's a MUST watch. BUT, if u've really waited so long for me to tell u whether it's nice or not, pls catch it ASAP! Coz Cathay alrd showing it NO MORE! Very soon, it'll not be showing in any cinemas le.

Wat kind of movie is this? B4 watching the show, any1 who saw the trailer wld noe it's a romance comedy that will definitely have a HAPPY ending. Simply b'coz most humans love to watch shows with HAPPY ending, it's all abt marketing. The demand VS supply theory, u have a demand, there bound to be a supply source. =) And if u've watched anor GREAT show, "He's just not that into you", they're of the same genre. A perfect show for laughing your stress away.

After the show, my kakis (the nonsense Tans sisters) commented, "Ivan, you shld have a The Ugly Truth session too. But u might wana tell the guys how girls are, coz u understand them well."

Hmm. . . That's a 1/2 truth. I used to think that I understand GIRLS too. Then there were also frenz who said/thought I could handle the GIRLS, knowing just the right ways to deal with them. Well, I used to think the same way as them too. However, as time goes by, I learnt that the truth is, I don't.

I'm no love guru but I have lots of friends of both gender & somehow, they like to talk to me on their love affairs. We shared our views; which may be the same or completely different. It's totally fine, coz no 2 person thinks alike. When some friends asked me for advice or talk to me on their r/s, I tried providing some advice. Up till now, I've yet to receive feedback that my advice sucks or such. So, I assume they were still workable?

I can't promise I would make this "The Ugly Truth" session a regular one. However, I'll try to post entries related to this as often as I can. =) So, for the 1st lesson, let's learn abt a single sentence sms that goes. . .

"I'm feeling emo. . ." / "I'm sad." / "I told no one but you."

What the guys think when they receive this & how they react to it?
The guy feels that the girl must have some special feelings for him as she only tell him about this. This guy goes all out to settle anything that could be bothering the girl, no matter how silly it seems to his friends. The best reward he receives is simply a SMILE on the girl's face.

What exactly was the girl thinking of when they sent the sms & what were they expecting?
She merely hope that he consoles her. He's a friend she feels close to & someone she can trust her secrets with, that's why she choose to confide in him. She feels better after receiving his sms most of the times. She knows he would always be there for her as a friend & never would she wana lose such a good friend like him.

Read (For Guys): Usually a nice lady man who knows just how to treat a girl right can only continue to be a GOOD friend of hers. She never wanted to start a romantic r/s with you. Coz to most girls, friendship values more than love. If you ever become her bf & broke off in the end, she lost a good friend. You have become TOO GOOD a friend to her to the extend she can't afford to lose you. Get it? Like the Chinese saying goes, "男人不坏,女人不爱。" There's a level of truth in that somehow. HOWEVER, I'm not trying to say a man should be bad. Simply b'coz, I still believe a real confident woman would be able to see GOOD in a GOOD guy friend & wldn't mind risking their friendship for a long lasting r/s. 一切总要从朋友开始,不对吗?

Now, you see the difference?
Your friendly blog owner, Eagle Ivan is not here to tell you wat you shld do or react. All I do is bring you the truth be it ugly or not. Of coz, what I share is not entirely how all guys & girls in the universe would think/feel. Like I said, no 2 person thinks alike. However, comments, feedback or viewpoints are definitely welcome. But, do it in a peaceful way, ok? We make PEACE not WAR.


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