My Pooh Bear named Zen aka 泽颜!

When we were kids, Mum always buy soft toys in 3. She always claim that she's a very fair mother. Ok lah, most of the times she is. Though we know she tends 2b more bias twds me, I'm definitely not complaining on that. Heez =P

Slowly, I grew out of the softies stage & threw most of them away except those of sentimental value. BUT, some of those I TRIED to throw, my sisters wld pick them all back. So, it bc a mere transfer of ownership. wahaha *lol*

This time round, Mum bought the whole Pooh Family home! Coz her workplace was having some promotion on the jumbo soft toys. Tigger was of coz given to Qiqi & if you think Piglet was to me, u're wrong!! Coz Shannon took the Piglet & Mum said, "Pooh Bear is for Ivan!". I don't know y bt mb Mum thinks I look like Pooh.

The 1st Eeyore Mum bought was "taken" by some ppl & she was so upset. So being the nice kids, Qiqi asked me to go buy an Eeyore for Mum. I cldn't find it the same night she bought the other 3. The next day, I went to search for Eeyore & I managed to find it @ the 1st location I went to!! =)

Side note: CL, that's y I cldn't help u buy milk tea. So sorry! =P

Then, there was a SMALL problem. I was riding my bike & all alone after my suntanning session. Eeyore was TOO BIG 2b stuff into the box. Luckily, I brought a sling bag. Though it was nt big enuf to put Eeyore in it, I was able to use it to tie Eeyore to my back. I think the ppl on the road who saw me pillion riding Eeyore must have thought wat an interesting guy this is. wahaha *lol* Self-high!

Okay, this may seems abit childish.
But who cares?!
Mum bought this Pooh for me!!

She has "officially" given it to me 2nite. Hope I won't find Ah Pooh on the floor tml morning. (^_^) My Pooh Bear is named Zen aka 泽颜! Don't ask me y, the name just suddenly popped into my head.


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