The recent UPDATES!

Okay, I noe I've been neglecting my blog alittle.
Coz I'm busy BBQ-ing myself on Sunny Island, Singapura! =)

My suntanning buddy - Claudine!

This is King Of Gamblers @ Sentosa!

A week later. . .
I went ECP with CL.
She's a "rain-god".
Coz twice I went beach with her, it RAINS!!

The sky was still clear when we first reached ECP.

In an hour time, it became like that & started raining.
But luck's on my side, it only rained for half an hr.
In total, I suntanned for nearly 4hrs on that day.

And the result of suntanning for 2 consecutive sundays?
I became like my idol, Justice Bao.
KA bao beis said I shld put a moon cut out on my forehead the next time I go suntanning.

I didn't think I'm really v.tanned till . . .

We took this group photo!
Sasa - the b'day girl used 2b the most tanned.

See my comparison with her now!

But I still think I'm NOT tanned enough.

Like I told my colleagues, "This week u see a Malay, next wk, be prepared to see an Indian!"
Yes, u got it! I'm going suntanning again this Sun!
Have nt asked any1 yet, so volunteer(s) are welcome though I'm prepared to go alone. =P
(Coz it's Father's Day this Sun!)


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