New blogskin!

With the over-whelming complaints from a handful of loyal readers on not being able to see my blog in the PERFECT way it should be, I've decided to change the blogskin.
Hopefully, this change would bring about a better viewing pleasure for my dear readers. =)

I always believe in "Ask & you shall have it!"

"I'm fine with last min stuff, but DO NOT take me for GRANTED! When u said u'll get back, MAKE SURE you DO!"

Above facebook's status meant for more than 1 person & I've rec'd an apology from one.
I don't usually make harsh comments, when I do, it has really got on my nerves.

Anyway, for the rest of the innocent folks, HAPPY WEEKENDS!

Going 2b a good boy & accompany mama for her interview followed by her fave 田鸡粥 dinner!

P/S: I came to realize not all Virgos are PERFECTIONISTS after all.


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