What do you do when you needed some ME time?

The Sun was bright & sunny when I was on the rooftop on Fri, so I tot, "I shall go suntanning tml!"
Sat came, after meeting up for b'fast with KA gang & acc Xiong for awhile, I set out to ECP with wifey! =)

Qi asked, "Who are u going with?"
"Alone." I said.
Xiong asked the same thing, but the conversation b/w us shall remain as secretive men talk. =)

Nice cold beer, the best companion!

But the sun was not the LEAST co-operative!

Just take a look @ the skies when I reached...

So I didn't managed to get a VERY GOOD tan... =(

Check out this nicely drawn rubbish bin!
Heez =P
I love arty stuff.
Perhaps my future home walls wld be filled with drawings like this?

Jie jogged her way to ECP & looked for me.
And guess wat?
She said she has a craving for KFC & so being the nice cuzzie who always "chop" her, I shared a meal with her. =P
Upon reaching 2nd aunt's hse, I ate dinner immediately.
Coz they were waiting for me to start the mj game.
AND we definitely don't dare to let them know we had KFC just b4 we came home! wahaha *lol*

How would Uncle Ivan gives up any chance in carrying & taking photo with his nephew, Zi Yue?
He has GROWN fat in just afew weeks!
We think he looks like 蜡笔小新!

That marks the end of my Sat.
I've yet to sort out my thoughts & it seemed 2b messier than before. -_-"


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