A new year, a new beginning!

My Princey is here to wish you folks a GREAT 2009 ahead!

With the new year marking a completely new beginning, what do you need?
I do not know what's a must have for you.
But Eagle Ivan being the super busy guy with lots of friends & always happening appointments to attend to,(all assumed by others, though true to a certain extent) definitely need...

An organizer to note down all the impt dates/appts he has.
Then after that, he needs a journal to record down those happening stuff.
U dun bare it all on a published blog with tons of readers, right?
Some things hafta be kept a secret mah. =P

Impt note: Thanks to Jie for the organizer & Serene for the 2009 diary!

And now, the usual stuff to do for a new year...
Though most of us never succeed in fulfilling even 50%, no harm noting them down for fun or simply viewing interest of others right?

First of all, I'm giving myself a pat on the back for staying in a job for 6 mths! Okay, ppl who noes me noes I nv last long in a job. The longest job I had was at StarHub & I stayed for a year, coz I was on a contract & I was eyeing the completion bonus. That's how I got my wifey! I paid the down payment with that. =) And right till this min as I was typing this, I still love my job though nt every bit of it. In the new year to come, I hope the workflow wld be smoother, workload would not get heavier & working r/s b/w our colleagues would be stronger! =) I definitely hope as 2009 comes to an end, I wld blog tt I'm still staying put in the same co!

My wifey has been giving me slight problems lately. In the new year, I hope its number wld appear more frequent in 4D draws! So, I can keep her in good health & buy more accessories to doll her up! =)

Our family, both nuclear & extended has been having small & big problems in year 2008. We managed to keep united & tide through it. Though the ride was rough, we'd make it. I wish for good health, wealth & mind for all my family members throughout the year from this very min onwards! =)

I'd managed to lose 5-7kg(coz scale is still fluctuating) in the year 2008. I'll continue to exercise & eat well in 2009 & work towards a healthier & fitter body. Hint:- CL, the bet is over!! ^_~
Supposed to be playing bball @ 4.30pm ltr, but it's raining right now. Rain, rain, pls go away. Come again tonight when I'm slping soundly! =)

Oh! And I'm so going to be on my 1st oversea trip. (nt including those trips I make to our neighbouring c'try - M'sia; I shld be considered 1/2 a resident there anyway.) Planning wld commence after CNY!! We're setting off for Taiwan on 1st April 2009! Well, it's definitely not an April's Fools joke. =) May we have a safe, fun & memorable trip ahead! It's the so called graduation trip which came 10years late.

Hmm, I guess that shld be all for now. All in all, friendly blog owner, Eagle Ivan hopes/wishes/prays for 2009 to be a year of no more or at least lesser natural disasters, economy crisis & human riots/wars. Let's quote our Miss Beauty's all time fave, "World Peace"! May all the good stuff comes rolling in & pushes all bad things away to no man's land.

Let's us all embrace \(^_^)/ the new year with open arms & hearts!


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