The hard facts of work.

Ever since I became the class rep in poly, my mum told me, "You have got to be fierce to lead!"
I never believe in that.
So, I lead my class in my own way.
I have to admit it was tough.
However, I made it through & was respected as a good class rep.
I was glad I didn't use my mum's fierce methods.
Well, she has proven her ways were right in her own workplace.
People were scared of her & obeyed her orders.

Then when I stepped into the workforce, my senior colleagues told me, "You have got to be scheming to survive & promote fast. Honest, hardworking & helpful people never go far!"
I refused to believe in that.
My parents spent so much money to send me through school.
Teachers in school taught me, "The faster you reached the top, (especially through indecent methods) the faster & harder you'll fall. As you slowly climbed the mountain of career & succeed in reaching the top, you've already overcome all the obstacles that meant to make you fall, you have higher chance of staying.(at the top)"
Therefore, I stick to what I've learnt.
Even if one day, I'm still stuck where I first begin, I have no regrets.
All because, at least I know I have a clear conscience.
And I think it's all that matters. =)



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