Fate 缘 Chapter 9

“Mum, when Dan comes over later, tell him that the doctor said I’ve lost partial memory. I would pretend that I can’t remember who he is.” Ash pleaded.

“But why? Dan stayed by your bedside all these while. He really loves you.”

“I know he loves me, which is why I want to hurt him no more. The way I am now would only be a burden to him. He lost his parents since young and when Granny got a mild stroke, he started working very hard to support her. Now that he has finally graduated and is on his way to be an IT engineer, I do not want to add onto his stress. I have faith in him; he would be very successful in his career.”

“But I would definitely not be able to achieve that without you!” Dan blurted out.

The group of them has been standing at the door when Ash told her mum to lie to Dan.

“Dan, don’t be silly. You would lead a better life without me. I’m just an ugly freak who’s going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life. I can’t assist you in your success. In fact, I would just hold you back. You deserved someone better.”

“No, I do not need someone better when I already have the best I could have. Ash, looks are not everything. They are not important to me. No matter how you look, you would always be the most beautiful girl in my heart. I can’t promise you the world but I can promise to be your legs for the rest of our lives. Let me care for you, see to your everyday needs and continuing loving you regardless of what the future may hold. We have wasted too much time; you have slept too long. Let us catch up on the times we have missed and create more wonderful memories. Give me five years; I would strive hard to support you and Granny. We would lead a happy life in a house called our home. Trust me with this, Ash. I love you.”

By then, there were tears in everyone’s eyes. From their assuring looks, Ash knew that they believed in Dan just as much as she do. When Dan and Ash were together in their secondary school days, she had this strong feeling that Dan was the one she wants to marry in the future. She even dreamt of living under one roof with Dan and Granny plus a couple of little ones running around the house. That was the most beautiful picture Ash had ever imagined.

“Dan, I love you too!” Ash hugged Dan around his neck as he bent down and plant a kiss on her face.


16th September 2006, Saturday
Wedding bells rang for Ash and Dan. Dan was waiting nervously at the front of St Jude Church with Ken as his best man.

Dan and Ken were enlisted into NS shortly after they graduated from Coral Polytechnic. After ORD, Dan was employed into Creative Technology and worked his way to become Chief of the IT department. He was an outstanding employee during his first year with the company and so he was fully sponsored for his IT degree in SIM.

Ken managed to make Pat his girlfriend two days before he was enlisted into NS. Since then, they have been enjoying their blissful lives. Ken became a gym trainer at California Fitness after his NS and Pat became an auditor with KPMG Singapore after completing her Accountancy degree in NUS.

As for the Li’s family, Leo was diagnosed with aids and kidney problems a year after the car accident. Zen’s property company was being sued for illegal trading and he was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. Leo’s mum left his dad and him for her lover. For the past few years, she was having an affair with the CEO of Zen’s rival company. She was also the one to gather all evidence on Zen’s crimes. Shortly after his mum left and his dad put behind bars, Leo committed suicide by jumping off the building where his dad’s company used to be. Upon receiving news of his beloved son’s departure, Zen was struck by a stroke and never recovered since then.

Back in the church, Dan had the happiest smile on his face when Ash’s Dad wheeled her down the aisle towards him. Pat stood beside Ash with tears welled up in her eyes. Dan and Ash exchanged vows in front of the priest and all guests present. It was the most perfect wedding and Ash was the most beautiful bride in St Jude Church ever.

P/S: Finally, the story has come to an end. Did any of you see a similar you in my charcters? Have you learn anything from the story? Last but not least, hope you have enjoyed the story.


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