
It's my last day of service today.
I've completed my 1 year of contract.
Time for celebration! haha =P
Well, it's the longest I stayed on a job since I graduated from Poly.
Next job would be my 2nd longest de! =)
I would make that happens.

My colleague, May got this for me when she went out for lunch.
Nice egg tart & hot latte! =)

The gifts from my colleagues.

Another too precious to be lost pen.
Think it'll just be added to my collection of pens again?

Next time if anyone wana give me pens, just buy those 5 for $1 from pasar malam, ok?

I've posted an ad on ebay and also msged some of my friends to look out for new owners for my hammies.
I didn't expect anyone to reponse though.
Today, someone saw the ebay ad and msged me saying his/her brother wants one.
Then evening time, Jaime msged to get one for her cousin.
So 皇迪 will be leaving its dad and siblings tml for a new home.
Baby, daddy will miss you.
But I'm sure your new owner would love you as much as I do.


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