10 things that make me happy!

Post 10 things that will make me happy and then tag 7 people.

Well, I was being tagged by Little Genius, so here are 10 things that make me happy:-

1) Eating Chocolate & Cheesecake! (Best if it's Chocolate Cheesecake!) =D
2) Being with my cousins at Grandpa's house! (Even if it's lying around doing nth only to wait for for the ice-cream man.)
3) Drive or Ride! (A feeling I can't describe. A car/bike is not just anor mode of tpt for me, it's ME!) (^^.)
4) Stay away from the city & suntanning by the beach! (The waves make good music if only you listen carefully & sea breeze does best in cooling one's head!)
5) Watching my hamsters! (They're simply so cute with their mouth full of food, the way they sleep, look up at you with their innocent eyes & so much more - They're the reason for my living!)
6) Ideas that flow endlessly to me. (Once in a blue moon, I write a song/poem I'm very satisfied with!)
7) Weekends/holidays! (Don't most people love these days?) =P
8) Gatherings of all sorts! (I love catching up with my family & friends, even if I was just the audience.)
9) Babies, children! (The smiles on their faces are the most innocent ones you can ever find! Now you folks know y I keep asking my jie & friends when are they going to have kids.) v(^_^)p
10) Sleep the whole day!(I never seem to have enough sleep! Zzz...)

Instead of tagging 7 people, I hope my readers would take 15-30 mins to think about this.
What are the 10 things that truly make you happy?
Concentrate on this, hope you would come to realize things you never thought exist. =)
Sometimes, little things make us happy without us knowing it.
Most often than not, during or after the exercise, you would have a smile on your face.


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