Learn 2b deaf!

Read a meaningful article on MyPaper yesterday...
Here's sharing with my dear readers...

One fine day, the frogs decided to hold their first tower climbing competition...
Alot of frogs came to cheer their froggie friends...
As the whistle goes off & marked the start of the competition..
The competiting frogs took off & start jumping onto the towers..
Those frogs who were watching from below started giving pessimistic remarks...
"Com'on, this tower is so tall, no frog wld ever reach the top..."
Upon hearing that, the frogs gave up one by one...
Soon, there were less than 10 frogs still trying to climb to the top...
The pessimistic remarks continued...
Most of the remaining frogs started to give up too...
By then, there was only 1 frog left...
He's still jumping & jumping non-stop, trying to reach the tower...
Slowly & steadily, he finally reached the top!
So other frogs were dying to know his secret for succeeding...
As they approach to interview him, they realized he was deaf...

Have you realized the morale of this story?
Because the deaf frog couldn't hear the pessmistic remarks...
He was not affected & continued trying...
In the end, he managed to climb to the top..
In life, we would bound to meet alot of ppl trying to put us down...

Though this is inevitable, we should learn 2b deaf to negative comments that are destructive...
Don't give up on your dreams just because others felt it's impossible to achieve...
Be confident & have faith in yourself that you can fulfill that dream!


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