My Dedication!

First, I would like to apologize if the ____ (fill in the blank yourself) DJ read your name incorrectly. Anyway, I have nv like him. But my fave DJ Bukoh Mary was on leave so that ____ DJ stand in for her. He really need to go polish up his Chinese! He's the so called "有边读边,没边读中间"!! Afew of my friends' names read wrongly!! Chinese CMI, English also 'gor ya'! When I heard the way he pronounced Rochelle, I nearly *faint*. Anyway, for those who missed the dedication or if you can't hear properly what the ____ DJ was trying to say. Here's what I wrote...


1) 与我分享长13年友谊的知己 – 飞行侠-陈立辉。
2) 5G1U的成员 – Helen, Stace, Cynthia, Lynette & Rochelle。
3) 鸡使者 – 彦婷
4) 陪我度过中学难熬日子的秀仪,Fabien,薛莅(XL, I cldn't find the exact word for your name, but this is the same meaning - checked the dictionary),淑雯,依黎。
5) 猪家族的成员 – 嘉仪,颖姿,Karen,时安,Andrea, 思颖,耀良。
6) K.A Gang 的慧琪,Melissa, 淑媚,俐霖,慧瑜,雪云,银雪还有文雅。
7) D.B.S 的佳修与凯灵。

要是没有你们,就不会有今天的独行侠,鸡使者,艾老爷,猪Van, 不可爱或Ivan了。是你们让我的生命增添不少色彩,给了我许多欢笑。在我需要帮助时推了我一把,也在必要时把我痛骂一顿,让我的脑袋清醒。我真的很感谢老天把你们赐了给我,让你们在我的人生道路上留下美丽的足迹。朋友是一生一世,愿我们友谊长存!


点播日期:18th Dec 2007
1) 陈汉伟 & 蔡礼莲 - 关怀方式
2) 范玮琪 & 扬丞琳 – 有你真好
3) S.H.E – 幸福留言
4) F4 – 第一时间
5) Energy – 永远不说再见


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