
First, before I touched on the movies I've watched recently, let me apologize to my readers that I can't publish my story on time. I'm only at the 47th episode. Dun ask me I would end on which episode. The ideas keep flowing, my hands can't type as fast. The feeling of not bearing to end it all is too great. I hope when the story is out, it wun disappoint for the long wait. Pls have abit more patience with me, I really hope this is the best b'day prez I can give to myself. So may I finish it by then. (^^.) Cashback - M18 show I've not watched this show yet, coz I gave the tixs to Qi. She said it's a nice show, only thing is there're really alot of topless scenes. So guys, do I need to say more? And for girls who are abit more conservative, mb u might want to think twice b4 watching this show. (^^.) Secret The long awaited show by many. I was among those who want to see just what he has up his sleeve. The story was kind of interesting, at least there'...