
Showing posts from July, 2007


First, before I touched on the movies I've watched recently, let me apologize to my readers that I can't publish my story on time. I'm only at the 47th episode. Dun ask me I would end on which episode. The ideas keep flowing, my hands can't type as fast. The feeling of not bearing to end it all is too great. I hope when the story is out, it wun disappoint for the long wait. Pls have abit more patience with me, I really hope this is the best b'day prez I can give to myself. So may I finish it by then. (^^.) Cashback - M18 show I've not watched this show yet, coz I gave the tixs to Qi. She said it's a nice show, only thing is there're really alot of topless scenes. So guys, do I need to say more? And for girls who are abit more conservative, mb u might want to think twice b4 watching this show. (^^.) Secret The long awaited show by many. I was among those who want to see just what he has up his sleeve. The story was kind of interesting, at least there'...

Licence to drive is equal to equipped to drive?

Below is 2 separate articles I've read in Today papers and MyPaper. First - Extracted from Today papers (I didn't note down the date on the newspaper cuttings) Title: Driving You Mad Testing Times Subtitle: So you've passed your driving test. Are you really equipped to hit the road? There's been alot of talk lately about poor driving standards in Singapore and last year's road accident figures certainly make for grim reading. Figures obtained from the Land Transport Authority (LTA) show that 9,602 road accidents were reported last year, a sharp jump from 6,705 in 2005 and 5,685 in 1996. The 69-per-cent increase in the number of accidents over the last decade is even more significant given that the number of vehicles here grew by just 18 per cent in the same period. Why the sudden spike in on-road mishaps? Some industry observers say lower upfront taxes, falling COE prices and new financing schemes over the last few years have led to more young drivers and first-tim...

The lucky one get luckier!

Hey folks! I noe alot of ppl gona hate me for this. haha =) This week alone, I won 3 pairs of tixs. 1) 30/07/07, 8.30pm - Jay Chou's "Secrets" @ Grand Cathay. 2) 30/07/07, 7pm - "Cashback" @ GV Marina 3) Free complimentary tixs to watch "Alone" any wkdays, any time @ any GV theatres. However, I am only going for the 1st show. 2nd show tixs, I have decided to give to Princess Qi. Reason being, as u can see, both 1st & 2nd show has their timings crashed. And since I'm giving Princess Qi the 2nd pair of tixs, I have to give Genius Yu the 3rd pair too! Of coz, it's also because she is helpful enough to help me collect the tixs. The free complimentary tixs hafta be collected during office hours. It's from Monday - Friday, 9am - 5.30pm. Never am I gona be able to collect the tixs myself. Since Genius offered to collect on my behalf, I've decided to let her have the tixs. Be ready 2b scare, my dear sis. In case some of you wonder, is Ivan ...

Meaningful Quotes!

Heard sth meaningful when I joined Qi to watch the Chn8 9pm show, "幸运星". 人与人之间有缘才能相遇相识相知。 争取的话不一定会拥有,但不争取的话肯定什么都没有。


我总是希望自己能快乐,可是往往不知道怎样才能让自己快乐。有人有钱就快乐,有人有爱情就快乐,有人放假就快乐,可是有些人不管有什么,就是不觉得自己快乐。 其实,快乐很简单,主要是要能正面思考,也就是think positively。要怎么正面思考? 正向心理学理论给我们归纳出4大原则: 1) 正确认识自己 透过各种方法,比如做义工或各种心理测验,总之脱离原有的工作模式,尝试开发其他方面的潜能,从新认识自己。真实的自己有时会和想象中的自己不一样,这个认知的落差,会给我们带来无形的压力。正确地认识自己,知道自己的强项和弱点,专注在自己的强处方面发挥,会让我们更快乐。 2) 把优势用在工作上 透过潜能的开发,找到自己的优势,然后尽量发挥。如果你的沟通能力很好,就多做沟通方面的工作,比如代表公司和顾客谈判,借此发挥个人优势。如果你不是沟通高手,千万就不要去做需要沟通的工作,那只会让你每天都很沮丧,快乐不起来。 3) 把握现在 很多人日复一日,年复一年地做着同样的工作,希望能有笔可观的退休金和美好的未来。他们工作的目的就是给未来存钱,这等于是把工作的意义寄望于不可知的未来。 这样的人,在现阶段很难快乐,因为有这种念头的人,即使碰到快乐的事,他们也不相信这是真正的快乐,他们总以为将来会更快乐。所以,我建议大家不要把期望全放在未来,值得高兴的时候,当下就要快乐起来。 4) 正面影响他人 你自己懂得正面思考,感到快乐后,想要继续快乐,就要让身边的人也都快了起来。当你有了正面的能量,要拉旁边的人以吧,把你快乐的原因和方法告诉别人,但是记得不要用“示威”的语气,否则别人会更不快乐。 反之,如果你有负面情绪,不要把过错推给别人,否则别人的情绪也会受你影响,整个环境就快乐不起来了。 现代人压力大,快乐越来越难找,但追求快乐的动力不能停下来,快点培养起自己快乐的情绪吧!祝你一星期天天都很快乐! *取自我报 Ms Shenton* Haiz..what has the world become? So many eat potato ppl ard. Chinese yet finds it hard to read chi words. Ok, here's the translation as promised. 4 ways to letting onself be happy! I...

Happy Stuff!

To start my happy entry, here's a photo of the smiley doughnut dear bought for me! Cute hor! Simply brighten my stressful day! (^^.) Thx, dear! Smilez! (^^.) Next, my fave (as darling zhuyin puts it). This one is at Somerset MRT stn. (".) Presenting the source of my Happiness! Bacon Aglio dear had. My chicken bolognese! At work... From my colleague, Rina... Hanging bugs! Close up! Rina gave me a cap our supplier, National Geographic gave her. The back... And the side! I gave it to dear, coz she has been looking for a white cap for sometime. I have Hebe as my wallpaper! Heez (".) Notice the little mirror at the top left corner of my monitor? It's for narcissistic Ivan to look at whole day long. haha (^^.)

Random Updates!

Think my honeymoon period at work is over. Now, I have tons of work undone. Heez >. Finally, I'll be going back to my Gpa's hse in Aug!! Yeah! v(^_^)o The most peaceful place on Earth for us. A place where it shelters us from all harm & hurts; somewhere we can nurse our wounds or simply to relax and enjoy ourselves while getting destressed from sch & wk. (^^.)

Jacky Cheung's Concert!

You don't have to be a fan of his to enjoy urself at the Cantopop King's concert. A full 3 hr concert keeps u warm every single sec. Be it his fast songs, his mini play or his usual soothing songs, he gave the best u can have! The photos that I took don't do justice to how great the concert was, so I would not upload it here. (^^.) As alot of ppl put it after watching his concert, 天王就是天王。四大天王,我就看过两个,华仔与歌神,各有千秋,相当精彩,绝对直回票价,虽然我都是以免费票去观赏的。 Share with u something meaningful that was shown on the screen during his concert. 爱,不是牺牲,不是占有,而是成全。 拥有爱时,要让对方自由。 失去爱时,更要让爱自由。 I'm still looking forward to Eagle Pan Mei Chen, Sammi Cheng & F.I.R's concert in S'pore!! When would they come..hmm..*wait* *wait* *wait* Had waited 12 years for Eagle's concert. Would my wish come true soon?

Our 16th mth anniversary!

Yeah! v(^_^)o It's our anniversary once more! Time flies. Happy times fly like bullet. (".) An advice to my readers, we must learn 2b contented with what we have; things or people we can't own doesn't necessary mean better stuff. It's ur own thinking, change it & u'll see the light! How wld I missed a chance of showing my "talents" on our anniversary? Heez >. Rain has been falling Sun is still shining Courtship days are over Many places together we travel Hugs have never been more comforting Hearts become synchronize in beating Love bound us tight Obstacles come what might Never letting you go Forever loving you so

幸福的种子 - Happiness Seeds

你是不是其中一个在茫茫人海里寻找幸福的一分子?在电台听到了这故事,让我与你分享。 有一天上帝将幸福的种子交给快乐仙子,要他把幸福散播到人间。快乐仙子临走前,上帝不放心便问道,“幸福仙子,你打算把幸福的种子放在何处?”幸福仙子回答,“我已经想好了,我会把幸福的种子埋在海底,让人们必须飘洋过海,潜入深海才能寻获幸福。”上帝听了,要了摇头。幸福仙子想了一会儿说,“那我把幸福的种子放在高山上,让人们必须翻山越岭才能寻获幸福。”上帝要了摇头说,“你说的这两个地方,都不难找。你应该把幸福的种子藏在人们的心里。因为人往往在寻找的过程中被自己心里的杂念掩盖了眼睛,忽略了内心隐藏着幸福的种子。”人的心里有很多杂念,有欲望,仇恨与埋怨等等。我们都应该学会偶尔替心里那幸福的种子撒上希望的阳光与开心的雨滴,让自己能幸福快乐点吧! Now time to translate for my 'eat potato' friends. haha =) Have you been seeking for Happiness for a long while? Heard the little story on the radio and would like to share with my readers. One day, God gave some Happiness seeds to Angel of Joy and wants him to spread them to us earthlings. Before Angel of Joy leaves, God asked, "Angel of Joy, where do you intend to plant the Happiness seeds?" Angel of Joy replies, "Dear God, I already have a place in mind. I would plant the seeds at the bottom of the sea. In that case, humans would have to dive deep into the sea in search of Happiness." Upon hearing, God s...


这世界太复杂 好多事情搞不清楚 有限的时间已不够完成无限的任务 说不出的话是后悔 圆不成的梦是失落 怨恨又何必抓得太牢 快乐定义对你我不同 深夜里思索不断的人们 让泪水模糊了视线 放不开的手永远握不住幸福 别让自己人生有遗憾

Nephews & Nieces.

This is a complicated mind quiz, but it's not difficult. Try it! I have three sisters, and all of us are mothers. My sister Kay has two nephews and three nieces. My sister Jane has one nephew and three nieces. My sister Belle has one nephew and five nieces. I have one daughter. How many nephews and nieces do I have?

Ans to Occupation Crisis

The correct answer: A is the soldier, B is the doctor, C is the farmer. Current Scoreboard :- Qi - 9 Misspiggykerr - 3 Shannon - 3 Mizuki - 2 pilot tan - 0.5

Occupation Crisis

Now try this! Just as easy! =) Person A, B, and C all have a job. One is a doctor, one is a farmer, and one is a soldier. You know that: C is older than the soldier. A is not the same age as the farmer. The farmer is younger than B. Please match the person with the occupation.

Ans to taking the lift.

The correct answer: Charlie leaves at the 1st floor. Nancy leaves at the 2nd floor. Debbie leaves at the 3rd floor. Bob leaves at the 4th floor. Mary leaves at the 5th floor. Mike leaves at the 6th floor. Current Scoreboard :- Qi - 8 Misspiggykerr - 3 Shannon - 2 Mizuki - 2 pilot tan - 0.5

Taking the lift.

For a Monday, this is a warm up one for you folks! Six people go into a store through the underground car park going to floors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each person goes to a different floor in the same elevator, which goes up stopping at each floor. Mike's ride is the longest. Bob gets out before Mary but after Debbie. Charlie gets out first. Nancy leaves before Debbie, who leaves at the third floor. At what floor does each person leave?

Some random thoughts...

Saw this cute little thing on my way to work... Yes, my fave animal - a monkey in the neighbourhood! Certainly brighten up my day! (^_^) Have forgotten the feeling of getting a cut... I used to have alot of them when I was younger... All kinds of wordings that I cut them deep into the flesh... That seems to be the norm among most of my friends back then... Yah, a bunch of childish kids... I wouldn't deny... But I wouldn't agree less that the physical pains can temporarily take away the emotional pains we felt...(BUT I DEFINTELY DO NOT ENCOURAGE ANY OF MY READERS TO DO SO!) A walk down memory lane brought back many memories... From a very long time to not so long ago... The surroundings are still more or less the same... Yet the people have all grown up... Became mature and getting on with their own lives... Would the paths ever crossed once more or would they stay as two parellel lines forever? Somethings can only wait for time to prove...

Not for Shi'an to read! haha =)

I was too bored in the office and when I chanced upon the website to win tixs for the below play, I took part. Yes, as some may have guessed. I won the tixs. Not hao lian, ok? Again, coz my dear is interested in watchin plays like this. So I take part mah. =) THAT IS THE POWER OF LOVE! The Substation & Little Red Shop :Project Chiaroscuro Dates: 12-14 July Times: 12 &13 July: 8pm, 14 July: 3pm &8pm Venue: The Substation Theatre Admission: $10 (concession)/ $15 Six fresh actors. Six books. Three mentor-directors/ Put them together to create six new dramatic monologues. Project Chiaroscuro 2007 is a new incarnation of a theatre experiment first presented in 2006 as Chiaroscuro: The Monologue Sessions. Come and see new dramatic works by fresh voices in local theatre: Libby Gott, Sol Iglesias, Sharda Harrison, Mayura Baweja, Molizah Mohd Mohter and Muhammad Najob Bin Soima. Mentored by Samatha Scott-Blackhall, Michael Corbidge and Noor Effendy Ibrahim. Don't ask me what...

The Power Of Giving!

IT'S FRIDAY! Enjoy the weekend ahead with the following post! There is tremendous power in giving. Giving is a completely selfless act, a way to give back. Giving to those in need allows you to share what you have with others. Giving is an integral part of human nature, it is why we feel joy in giving, why we gain so much from seeing another smile. The act of giving also inspires others to give, which is the basis of the “pay it forward” concept. It is not the amount that is meaningful, but rather the act of giving itself. Even the smallest gift can make a difference. When many people give a small amount collectively it can make a significant impact, bringing joy to both giver and receiver. You can start spreading the spirit of kindness around you by doing any of the following: At Work • Say “hello” to people you pass in the corridor at work • Only say nice things about your work colleagues, behind their backs • Send only lovely, positive and inspiring e-mails for one day! • Stay l...

This is call bias!

Qiqi bought nice chocky sticks for us! Bt look at this! The pink 1 is for dear, the blue 1 is for me. I always say dear is more like her sis than I am like her bro. The longer box of dear's strawberry chocky! But qiqi, I still love my little blue box of chocolates chocky! (^^.)

Answer to names issues!

The correct answer: Annie Lim, Elizabeth Kwek, Teresa Chan, Mary Tan, Connie Yeo Current Scoreboard :- Qi - 7 Misspiggykerr - 3 Shannon - 2 Mizuki - 2 pilot tan - 0.5

For those who just fell out of love or got hurt in love

Love is a complicated subject Making us seeks an affectionate object At times it gives us rejects It is a course we hardly graduates In it our heartbeat fluctuates When we end up in pain Do not forget the experiences we gain Hurt in our hearts Urge the need for hugs Wipe your tears Chase away your fears Hopes still exist As long as you persist When the sky seems heavy I will be there to carry Come to if you need a shoulder ever Friends are friends forever

Names Issues.

Solve this! It's easy! All u need is a pen and paper. There are five women having dinner on a circular table. Mrs. Tan is sitting between Miss Yeo and Miss Chan. Annie is sitting between Connie and Mrs. Kwek. Miss Yeo is seated between Annie and Mary. Elizabeth is seated with Mrs. Lim on her left and Miss Chan on her right. Teresa paid the bill. What are the full names of these five women?

Yes, I did it again!

Guess what?! I've won a pair of tixs to Jacky Cheung's concert! Coz my dear said she has nv been to a concert b4, so when I heard that FM93.3 is giving out free tixs, I was so excited. Actually, I didn’t noe the ans at all, 3 choices were given and I just anyhow pick 1. Li Yi called me, my hands were like trembling. Coz normally they juz sms to tell us we have won. Haha =) Wohoo! What a nice way to start off my week! As Li Yi puts it, "It's as hard as striking 4D & u won!"