
Showing posts from June, 2007

When you think no1 trust u anymore..

What would you do when you feel that no1 trust you? Not even your parents who have raised you all these years? Just because you're not an adult, your words carry no weight, they trust some1 else and malign you. It hurts big time, isn't it? I know you would never see this blog entry, but I hope you would know, I trust you! 只要你说没有,我就相信你! Our characters are alike, scold us or beat us, nv malign us. When we said we didn't do, it simply just mean we really didn't do! There are ppl who still cares, they called to ask if I know where you were. They cried on the phone, my heart breaks as my tears fall. I thought you were gone for good. Hope you would go home after you have cool down. Running away would only goes to show the other person that you are guilty of the accuse. Be strong and stand up against the people who wants to see you fall! To the other party, don't just blindly assumed what you saw was true without finding out the truth. If anything were to happen to the per...

Personal Work-Life Effectiveness

In today's world, there seems to be a time crunch to complete the never ending tasks from work and family. But is 'time factor' the crux of the problem? Work-life experts say that the disharmony between work and personal / family life tend to be a result of our values and priorities, not the lack of time. Don't we try to make time for things that we believe are important to us, no matter how busy we are? Time is a finite resource. Ultimately it is up to us to decide what our priorities are and take the necessary steps towards making it work best for ourselves and for those around us. This is what "Personal Work-Life Effectiveness" is about: to prioritise goals and effectively harness personal and external resources to achieve harmony in work and personal/family life. When there is harmony in our work and life, it translates to less stress and burnout. We can concentrate better at work and stay productive, leaving more time for life outside work, and we become ...

Ans to Mind Quiz - THINK out of the box!

I think my readers had all cracked their brains for this mind quiz. So I decided to let you enjoy ur wkend by giving u the ans! The correct answer: 5 x 5 Shift the top right line of both 9 & place in the middle as a X! And you get 25! Don't come after me with a parang. I didn't come up this mind quiz myself. Found it online de. Heez >.

Little updates.

My dear just bought an oven and she's into baking recently. These are her pdts. They are yummy! And the yummies from my sisters! Choco bun from Shannon and froggie choco frm qiqi! Qiqi just got her pay & she bought me a tomy car! V.nice hor? Who else got pay wana buy for me? The GST package is gona be out soon too! The car costs $4.95 each. Heez >. Oh, my new addition! Qiqi bought us the Precious Moments magnetic photo frame for this yr KA's day. So I brought it to office. And in the eclipse box is..I better dun say. It's for me to put sth in whenever I wana take a swt out from the candy machine. Heez (^^.) These are little motivation for me at work. Work makes me tired. @_@ Dun like to work. Mb I shld find a sugar mummy. haha (".) To my dear readers, I really can't publish the story on 1st July, I'm truly sorry. I'm wking on my 11th scene now. I hope to finish & start publishing by my b'day. But I would try to rush and finish it in July so I...


在电台听到了这个故事,想与我广大的读者分享。 从前有个女孩,因车祸而昏迷不醒。男朋友每天日夜守候在她身边,期待有天她会睁开眼。日子一天一天过去了,女孩始终没有睁开眼。 上帝见到男孩那么伤心便问他,“我能够让你的女朋友很快醒来,但你必须用你的生命来交换,你愿意吗?” 男孩想也不想的回答,“我愿意!” “你会被化成三年的蜻蜓,你真的愿意吗?” “只要她能醒来,我什么都愿意。” 就这样,上帝把男孩化成了蜻蜓,而女孩就在第二天苏醒了。出院后,女孩到处打听男孩的下落,但没有一个人知道男孩到哪里去了。 蜻蜓一直不曾离去,偶尔也会停留在女孩的肩上。但对女孩来说,蜻蜓的存在太渺小,她一点也没察觉到。冬天来临了,蜻蜓必须离开到较暖和的地方去。它依依不舍的飞走了。 春天回来了,蜻蜓飞回来看女孩,而她身边却多了个男人。人们都在说,当女孩昏迷的那期间,那位医生是多么无微不至地照顾这女孩,而他们在一起也是理所当然的事。很快的,冬天又已来到,蜻蜓再次离去。 第二年,蜻蜓回来时,女孩已跟医生交往了。这一年,蜻蜓很少去见女孩。就这样,冬天转眼间到了,又是蜻蜓离去的时候。第三年的春天来临,蜻蜓回来了。那天是女孩与医生举行婚礼的日子,蜻蜓飞到了上帝的肩膀停留。 它听到女孩说,“我愿意。” 当医生把介子放进女孩的手指,蜻蜓不禁流下了眼泪。 “你不后悔吗?”上帝问道。 蜻蜓摇了摇头。 “明天,就是你变回人的日子了。” 蜻蜓摇头对上帝说,“不,让我当一辈子的蜻蜓吧!” 故事的结尾有这么一句很有意义的话,“有些缘分是注定失去,爱一个人不一定要拥有她,但拥有一个人一定要好好爱她!” 我很赞同这句话,往往人们都想去拥有不爱我们的人,却忽略了那些在我们身边默默付出爱我们的人。 有些事你永远不必问而有些人你永远不必等。过去就该让它过去,往事不堪回首。我知道话说来容易,做却很难。但幸福掌握在自己的手上,把往事紧握在手心,幸福永远进不去。打开手掌,让幸福降落。

Story updates...

My dear readers, I'm wking v.hard on my story. I hope I would not disappoint you folks, so I am rushing to complete it by end of June. Though I foresee it's almost impossible. However, do come back to my blog for more quizzes & may I complete my story ASAP.

Fun that went too FAR!

Heard on the radio on 1 v.sad news. This is what I rem roughly. Some kids were having fun in class, throwing things at each other. Then some1 threw a bag & hit a girl on the back of her head. She felt abit giddy, so she lay down to rest on her desk. Halfway thru the class, she felt a throbbing pain. The teacher immediately rushed her to the hospital. The doctors tried their best but couldn't save her life. It was found that there was internal bleeding & bloodclot at the back of her head. A moment of fun caused the lost of an innocent young life. ='( So, next time you wana fight around with your friends, be careful of where you hit them. And for those with kids, rem to teach them the potential dangers of playing too rough.

Mind Quiz - THINK out of the box!

Went mad on my 5 + 5 + 5 = 550 mind quiz the other time? This can drive you mad too! =) haha Hint: Use the previous mind quiz & try to solve this. Below is 99. Moving only two lines, can you turn this into 25? I have ppl asking me abt the quiz. Sorry for the confusion. However, the lines I circled below is consider 1 line each; meaning there's only 6 lines in the digit, 9. Not 7 lines. So, have fun solving the quiz!

World Ugliest Dog's contest!

There's actually such contest existing. Well, I went online to search after I heard this on radio. Well, you folks just have to see it for yourself. I shall not comment. There's a dog named Sam who has been champ for 3 years. However, it passed away in Mid November 2005. So we have a new champ for year 2006, Elwood. Check it out urself. Sam - 3 yr champ for World Ugliest Dog -> Dogs nominated for World Ugliest Dog for Year 2006 ->

The misc stuff!

Saw these 2 meaning quotes a very long time ago. I think I forgot to post & share them with my dear readers. Yeah! I saw my fave stuff(quote Andrea) along Middle Road! Huat ah! Nicely drawn postbox! I look forward to each blood donation. See, my fave color with smiley faces all over! Do you know where this is? Don't you miss this place, piggys? It's a place where the piggys started their journey together! This is the top of NP atrium taken from Canteen 1.

Sasa's B'day!

Celebrated Sasa's b'day on 22nd June. We had GREAT fun! The photos tell it all! This bunch of girls are always so crazy. Though they always 'outcast' me during gatherings, but I noe they loved me the most! haha =) Coz I'm the thorn among the roses! I love my KA gang! =) We've evolved. I think we're too old to be introduced as our original gang's name. Heez =) But we're still KA! Preparing Sasa's b'day prez! Most beautiful photo album decorated with love! Look at the mess! *_* Our cook, yaya papaya! And our dish washer lady. Guess who? Princess Qiqi's doing washing?! Yes, it's her PT job. Princess is nt so easy to be, ok? Princess dish washer for rent! Any takers? I was the 1st to finish my page, so I was assigned to acc Sasa, our b'day girl. We were already very hungry. Stomach rumbling. Yet Princess Qiqi commands to take 10 photos first. Here are some of it. Finally, we get to eat! Chomp chomp chomp! Healthier choice of drinks. ...