Double Occasion
It's Mummy's Day! Happy Mother's Day! =) May all mums on earth live to a ripe old age & has filial children looking after them when they reach their old age.
Will be celebrating on tues on Mummy's off day. Shall take lots of nice photos & upload them here!
P/S: 外婆,母亲节快乐!愿你无论在哪里都能幸福快乐!我爱你!

And today, 13th May 2007 is the 1 yr & 2 mths anniversary for me & dear! Heez >.< As it happens to be Mother's Day, dear hafta be home with her mummy, so we agreed not to meet. But at ard 9pm, she surprised me by appearing at my door step! Along with her, she bought this for me.

A me-to-you card! Plus the most beautiful belt I've ever seen. Coz it has an eagle on its buckle! How cool can it get! Thx dear for the wonderful surprise & nice nice gifts! You're simply so sweet! I love you! *muacks*
That's why I always said I'm the happiest man on earth & would never exchange dear for anything else!

And this is the little gifts I've prepared for her.
For the poem I wrote for her, here it goes...
Love is
Knowing you would always be in my heart.
No matter how far you may be, I can always feel you.
Love is
Hugging you to sleep every night.
Sweet dreams or nightmares, I'll be there.
Love is
Standing up for you when nothing seems right.
Even if the whole world is against you, I am your pillar of support always.
Love is
Doubling your happiness & halve your sorrows.
Good or bad, I want to share them all with you!
Love is
Be your directory when you feel lost.
No matter which route you choose, I would walk with you till the end.
Love is
Protecting your heart and let it comes to no harm.
Till the very last day you keep your heart with me, I shall cherish it dearly.
Love is
Talking about everything under the sun.
As long as it’s with you, doesn’t matter what the conversation is about.
Love is
Loving everything you love.
Whether I like it or not before I know you, everything changes when I start loving you.
Love is
Giving in to you all the times.
It is no longer just about me, I have you to care about.
Love is
Loving you till my very last breathe.
You are who I want to be with till the end of time, never would I leave you ever.
Will be celebrating on tues on Mummy's off day. Shall take lots of nice photos & upload them here!
P/S: 外婆,母亲节快乐!愿你无论在哪里都能幸福快乐!我爱你!

And today, 13th May 2007 is the 1 yr & 2 mths anniversary for me & dear! Heez >.< As it happens to be Mother's Day, dear hafta be home with her mummy, so we agreed not to meet. But at ard 9pm, she surprised me by appearing at my door step! Along with her, she bought this for me.

A me-to-you card! Plus the most beautiful belt I've ever seen. Coz it has an eagle on its buckle! How cool can it get! Thx dear for the wonderful surprise & nice nice gifts! You're simply so sweet! I love you! *muacks*
That's why I always said I'm the happiest man on earth & would never exchange dear for anything else!

And this is the little gifts I've prepared for her.
For the poem I wrote for her, here it goes...
Love is
Knowing you would always be in my heart.
No matter how far you may be, I can always feel you.
Love is
Hugging you to sleep every night.
Sweet dreams or nightmares, I'll be there.
Love is
Standing up for you when nothing seems right.
Even if the whole world is against you, I am your pillar of support always.
Love is
Doubling your happiness & halve your sorrows.
Good or bad, I want to share them all with you!
Love is
Be your directory when you feel lost.
No matter which route you choose, I would walk with you till the end.
Love is
Protecting your heart and let it comes to no harm.
Till the very last day you keep your heart with me, I shall cherish it dearly.
Love is
Talking about everything under the sun.
As long as it’s with you, doesn’t matter what the conversation is about.
Love is
Loving everything you love.
Whether I like it or not before I know you, everything changes when I start loving you.
Love is
Giving in to you all the times.
It is no longer just about me, I have you to care about.
Love is
Loving you till my very last breathe.
You are who I want to be with till the end of time, never would I leave you ever.