The Special US!

I guess some of u has experienced this juz like me. Alot of times I think, "Everyday, I wk 9-6. Life goes on like there's no end to this rountine. And it seems like most ppl live this way, I'm no1 special."

But we failed to realize that life's nt only abt wk. We maybe just anor employee wking hard for the mth end pay check, bt we're some special to at least 1 person in this world. It can be to any1, ur family, ur friends, ur partner or even ur pets!

We humans are like our fingerprints - UNIQUE! No1 has the same fingerprints or charateristics as anor person.

2 persons doing the same thing, at the same place & at the same time gives different feeling to others.

Alot of time, we see our loved ones feeling troubled and feel that there's nth we can do to help make them feel better. And then we feel so helpless. Actually, all we need is to be there to give support & our presence can alrd make our loved ones feel so much better. Plus the most impt thing is to feel loved & be happy 1st! Coz I believe if we feel that way, then being there for some1 else, he/she will feel loved & happy so much times more!

Simple things in life makes great wonders! =)

Being able to say "GOOD MORNING" to ur family members.
Returning home for a home cooked dinner.
Receiving a letter/email from a friend you have not been catching up with.
Successfully organized a gathering with 100% attendance!

A little action or some words from us can go a long way in making some1 day.
Because we are special, every1 of us! (^_^)


Anonymous said…
this is not just the "daily routine." i (less than three) my little bear. (: (:

indeed we are all unique and special.

i remember part of this little poem from my Sister Julia in sec 1

I am Special,
I am Precious.
There is only one ME in this Universe.
And God loves me for that.

cant remember what's after that but its something like he won't want me to change blah blah blah...

<3<3<3little princess

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