Suntanning @ Sentosa!

Our food!

Loving the Sun!

Went to Tanjong Beach & get ourselves tanned! haha =) Dear still refuses to agree wif me that we both look better with tanned skin. Nvm, shall bring her go suntanning @ the beach more often. Y do most gers wana haf fair skin? Don't they think tanned skin makes them look so much healthier? Heez..I love tanned skin gers! keke =.=


Mrs.keir said…
oh ivan LOVES DREA!! cos drea is a sunshine babe!!!
i am tan..i am dark.


i am fat too cool all of a sudden..haixxx
Anonymous said…
hmm..e oni advantage i can think of being tan is....u look slimmer? and prob take in a lil vitamin D? =p

hahaha...other than tt...the disadvantages come to mind..

.sun's bad

..will get freckles canceR!!

....will perspire

.....if neva tan properly get sun burnt!

Eagle Ivan said…
*touchwood* Bt I dun haf freckles. haha =) Proper protection then wun get skin cancer or kana burnt le. *hiak hiak*
Eagle Ivan said…
And andrea! Do u need to announce to the whole world that I 'love' u?! My dearest gf reads my blog de..
We promised to have an underground affair! *LOL*
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

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