May everyone around me be HAPPY!

Recently, alot of ppl ard me seem 2b caught in alot of problems. Family, Love, Work. You name it, there bound to be some1 brooding over 1 or all of these problems.

Let's talk abt the problems most of these ppl face. Yes, you got it! LOVE. As I have said b4, LOVE is an ongoing subject that most of us is learning all our lives. No1 ever graduate from it. They keep on learning as time goes by. Gaining experience along the way.

There're ppl commenting on my r/s wif my dear. They said we're enjoying a blissful life. I wldn't say we dun haf a single quarrel @ all. Humans are humans. From time to time, there bound 2b some disagreements, mood swings, etc. What matters most is both of u are on the same side, having the same objective and moving towards the same goal. And the most impt thing, which my dear & I practised is that we dun leave quarrels unsettled. We make it a pt to clear them up juz like afew of my frenz do. Leaving quarrels hanging in mid-air wld only makes matters worse. It wld be better to talk it through or even shout it out. For a simple reason, ppl tend to raise the past unsettled quarrels up in the next arguments. And of coz, the best is to avoid quarrels as best as we could. (".)

If you ask me wat bond my gf & I 2gether, I can only say it's LOVE. My sis, Qiqi once told me, "The most pathetic thing in LOVE is to LOVE someone to the extend that you know you can never stop LOVING them."

And that's how much I LOVE my gf now. Some ppl said nth is forever. I wun said I wld LOVE her forever either. Coz I dun live forever. But I noe for as long as I live, she's the ONE I LOVE!

I hear ppl start saying, "CHEY! That's only what you claim."

Hw do you noe u LOVE some1 so much that you can't stop loving them and he/she is the only one you ever wanted in this life?

For me, it's when I start feeling that she's part of my life, body & soul. It's aso when I noe I can live with her. I came in contact and woo afew gals b4. After I started going out wif them, communicated, observed the way they lead their lives, I can sense that some of them are not the ones I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I know that no1 is perfect. However with her, I noe I can and is willing to accept all her flaws like hw she accepted mine. Any1 you're wif, there bound 2b some personalities, habits, behaviours of them you can't tahan. But for some, you can grow to accept them. Tahan-ing(Bearing with it) & accepting them is 2 very different things.

Like a simple example: I have afew frenz who said they wld nv get a bf/gf who smokes bcoz they can't tahan the smell left behind by the cigarettes. Bt you may aso noe of some of ur frenz who end up marrying these smokers. In the begining, they can't tahan these smokers. However, as time goes on, LOVE took over them. Other than the fact that their partners smoke, they are all they ever wanted as spouses. They would never exchange their partners for anything else in the world nt even the perfect person who dun smoke. They accepted the fact that their spouses smoke and most of them live happily ever after.

No1 has a smooth journey on the path of LOVE. And no1 travels alone. You hafta walk with some1 and at times, there're even 3 persons on the same path. As for that, we shall leave to the future entry if there's any on this.

2 persons on the same LOVE path are there to support each other, give encouragement, pick each other up and 2gether reached the destination whr they both longed for.

I believe every path has a finishing line. It's juz a matter of whether both parties are strong enough to finish it 2gether. Though the right person plays an impt part in determining whether the journey would be complete, I personally believe it only stands up to a small percentage.

Yet, alot of ppl gave up on the journey wif the most common reason, "He/She's just not the one for me." That's quite sad for the 'wrong' party though.

BUT, that's nt the end of the story. The person who decided that the wrong person is not the one for him/her may end up realizing that the perfect someone to fit nicely into their jigsaw puzzle of a happy family has just slipped through their own fingers. What's past is already past!

Even though some of the ones being given up are still so much in love with the person who gave them up, most often than not, they're hurt too deep to even think abt getingt back as an item again. That's when u heard ppl saying, "Most ppl only noe what they used to have when they finally lost them." And that would usually follow by, "Treasure whoever you are with now!"

Last bt nt least, a little sth to share abt my r/s wif my gf. I guez the strongest reason that bond us 2gether tightly is bcoz we noe we will defintely lose each other 1 day.

I noe, if I have expected or believe she'll be mine for sure & will stick wif me till the end of my life, I wldn't have treasure her as much as I do nw. I guez more unnecessary quarrels would haf been created by any1 of us and more hurt being implied.

So treat your partners as if u wld lose them tml and I bet u wld treasure & LOVE them much more! Coz you noe hw limited ur time is wif them & all u ever want is to create wonderful memories for each other to keep, wun u?


P/S: As usual, a little note for my dear..So the rest of you can stop reading from here..Heez

"Dear, thx for everything you have done for me so far. I truly appreciate them! I LOVE YOU!"

As quote from "Rumour Has It",
"I don't come here to tell you I can't live without you, I can..But I don't want to.."

And from the soundtrack,
"Baby, you got what it takes to make me special!"


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