
When Words Fall Short, Presence Speaks. 最好的安慰,是無聲的陪伴。

08/03/25 :- When Words Fall Short, Presence Speaks. 最好的安慰,是無聲的陪伴。 Without realizing it, nine months have passed. What does it feel like to lose someone you love deeply? It’s a pain that doesn’t bring tears, a sorrow too heavy to describe. It’s smiling in front of others while quietly picking up the shattered pieces of your heart when alone. It’s walking the fine line between staying strong and forcing yourself to be strong, pushing through each day in a world where you no longer exist. My love for you was intense from the start. I once dreamed of a wedding filled with family, friends, and their warm blessings. Who would have thought that, in the end, it would be just the groom standing before the bride’s photo, as a passing cleaner casually said, “Better keep an eye on your offerings — the birds here are wild.” Every day, I take photos of the blue sky and white clouds — not just to remember our love, but to remind myself to step outside, to breathe, and to let nature heal me. Perhaps ...

Unwavering Principles, Unshaken Trust : 堅守初心,不負信任

  I am profoundly grateful to be part of a team founded on core values: Integrity, Ethics, Gratitude, and Succession . Yes, business is about earning money—it's the lifeline of any enterprise. But for me, and the team I proudly belong to, it's not just about profit. It's about principles, about walking the talk and staying true to our shared values. In a world where some businesses thrive on "black eat black" practices, we stand apart. Our business model is built for win-win outcomes , where we rise by lifting others. Every effort is geared toward realizing the dreams of our team members—dreams we nurture as if they were our own family’s. Personally, I cannot fathom betraying this trust. To deliberately harm those who trust you, or to gamble with their aspirations for personal gain? That is a line I refuse to cross. Let this be clear: there are no exceptions . Principles are not negotiable, and values are not for sale. To anyone who might think otherwise—please...

Who Defines Value? 誰賦予事物價值?

  28/10/2024 :- Who Defines Value? 誰賦予事物價值? Everyone has their own view on what makes life meaningful and valuable. Some see value in career achievements, while others find it in family harmony. So, who truly decides if something holds meaning or is valuable? In each person’s life, the standards for value and meaning are not fixed; they can change and evolve. From a young age, our values are shaped by culture, education, and family backgrounds. Even parents raise their children differently—some prioritize academics, others character, and some happiness. These approaches aren’t about right or wrong, nor about ranking higher or lower. When we face life’s challenges or make significant decisions, it’s our personal experiences and feelings that guide us down a path rich in meaning. For me, the meaning and value of life may not lie in gaining others' approval, but in staying true to our inner choices and pursuing them wholeheartedly. Often, we commit to something not because it meets ot...

誰為陽光充電?Who recharges the sun?

  在這個世界上,很多事我們習以為常。但如果仔細思考,這些標準到底是誰定下的? 結束一段感情後,釋懷需要多長時間?面對所愛的離世,消沉多久才算合理?對一個人的思念,應該持續到什麼時候才停止?男孩不能哭、男人要堅強 —— 這些說法真的是對的嗎?傷心的時間真的只跟一段感情的長短有關嗎? 在這裡,我想對所有我曾經說過 “ 時間會沖淡一切 ” 的人道歉。因為我現在明白,時間並不能沖淡任何事,所有經歷都會在生命裡留下痕跡,它們不會消失。 寫下這篇公開的心情日記,我的目的很簡單 —— 給自己一個宣洩的空間,同時也讓關心我的家人朋友了解我沒說出口的感受。也許你會覺得有些娛樂性,或許有經歷過相似事情的人能找到共鳴與安慰,知道自己不是孤單的。最重要的是,我希望我的天使 —— 那位在天堂的她,能收到我的思念。 2024 年 6 月 8 日,我這一生中最愛的女人,我的初戀,永遠地離開了這個世界。當噩耗傳來,我無法相信這是現實。我知道自己無法一個人面對,所以找了多年的好哥們陪我一起去參加悼念。兄弟,謝謝你臨時改變計劃,推遲了與家人的晚餐,陪著我送她最後一程。 接下來的幾天,我風雨無阻地在下班後趕往悼念現場,只為陪她走完人生最後的路。出殯那天,天空下著傾盆大雨,但這雨怎麼也洗不掉我心中的悲傷。看著棺木被推進火化爐,所有人都崩潰了。 家人和朋友給予了我很多慰問,不時關心我的情況,並說著安慰的話。有人說, “ 時間會沖淡一切。 ” 還有人說, “ 不要難過太久,她不希望看到你這樣,有事隨時找我們。 ” 我知道這些話語都是出於善意,但當下真的很刺耳。我沒力氣去反駁,但我依然感激他們的關心和鼓勵。 這 114 天裡,我過得不好,一點都不好。最難受的是,那種想哭卻哭不出來的悲傷。我依然喜歡工作,見到孩子們我也會感到快樂。和家人、朋友聚會,我也真心享受大家的陪伴。但我更喜歡獨處,因為那時候我可以卸下所有防備,讓自己徹底沉浸在悲傷裡。 自從與初戀結束後,我交過兩位女友,也喜歡過幾位女生。但面對初戀的離世,我終於明白了: “ 這一生,除了你,我的心再也容不下其他人。因為你是我最愛的女人,你讓我經歷了愛情裡的所有喜怒哀樂。這一生,遇見你,愛上你,失去你,悼念你,便已無憾。接下來的日子,我只想用餘生去想念你,愛自己,替你你看無數的白雲纏繞著藍天,直到我們重逢的那一天。 ” 失去你是什麼感覺?我反覆問自己...

With every threat, lies an opportunity. 每一個危機,都蘊藏著商機。

Stock arrived! 貨到了! Testimonial from my customer! 顧客的見證! With every threat, lies an opportunity. I am thankful for all the shoten zenjin (heavenly gods and benevolent deities in Buddhism terms) who appears in my life. When COVID first strikes, a bro approached me and asked if I am interested to promote a product that could help with sterilization of 99.9% of bacteria and viruses which help to prevent COVID. Well, why not? There are people who trusted and bought 10-20 at one go, there are people who do not believe or feel that it is perfectly fine to just contact COVID since everyone is sure to get it sooner or later and there are those who half-believed yet find it expensive. Just as I build a solid base of trusting customers for the products, the distributor in Singapore decided to stop importing this product. An easy way out for me was to just discontinue the sales of this product. However, my customers kept checking with me about when would this product be available ag...

Forest School Leader - Ivan Lim 森林學校領導人

Why Forest School? What is your own philosophy? Every child is unique and is talented in their own way. They deserved the time and space to find out for themselves. Not through endless hours of lessons, piles of homework or never-ending enrichment classes. Let them learn through play and experience things for themselves. 為甚麼選擇森林學校? 你自我的哲學是甚麼? 每個孩子都是獨一無二的,都有自己的天賦。 他們應該有時間和空間自己去自我發掘。 不是上無休止的課、做堆積成山的作業或永無止境的輔助課程。 讓他們在玩樂中學習,親身體驗事物。 I dedicate the achievement of this certificate to the following people in no chronological order : Stacy Tung - When you were alive, you inspired me to touch lives with our own lives. With your demise, it inspired me to chase my dreams right now and not wait till the time is right. (My song for you - Mummy & Qiqi - I could not let you see why I choose to do the things I do. You could not change my mind or stop me from doing what I want to do. Yet, you gave me the support I needed. Shannon & Aleks - Thanks for understanding how...

Too much on your plate? 太多東西在你的餐盤上?

19/04/22 :- Too much on your plate? 太多東西在你的餐盤上? Do you sometimes feel you have too much on your plate? Everyone seems to want a part of you. A lot of things require your time and attention. You feel like you need to split yourself up or become an octopus. Most of us do. At different points in time. It is not easy. But learn to focus and really do one thing at a time. The most important thing is... Learn to relax and take a break once in awhile. Even if it is just 5mins. 你有時會覺得你的餐盤裡有太多東西嗎? 每個人似乎都想要你的一部分。 很多事情需要你的時間和關注。 你覺得你需要把自己分裂出來或成為八爪魚。 我們大多數人都有過著感受。 就在不同的時間點。 這並不容易。 但是要學會專注,一次只做一件事。 最重要的是。。。 學會放鬆,偶爾休息一下。 哪怕只是5分鐘。