成功的人找方法,失敗的人找藉口! Winners find ways for their success, losers find excuses for their failures!

Do you give up just because others are ahead of you? Or do you take it as a motivation to surpass them and do better? It is not about making comparison with others on who has bigger houses, faster cars or more money? It is doing a check and balance on ourselves. How far away are we from our own goals and dreams? What do you do to get closer to them? There are people who eventually stop making goals or having dreams, because they already tell themselves, "I would never get there, I do not have that kind of destiny." We create our own destinies. Not everyone is born with a golden spoon in our mouths. However, it doesn't mean we would never be able to make big goals and dreams and achieve them. It merely mean we may have to put in more time and effort than those who has a head start before us. Yet, I do know of friends who were born into not just rich, but super duper rich families and yet they own their current success to themselves. They did it with thei...