SSA Youth Summit 2018! SSA 青年峰會 2018!

Youth Summit as been over for a few days and I finally managed to settle down to blog about my feelings and thoughts. Over the past 3-4 months of training, I have learnt and definitely gained a lot. Through the discussion meetings, I have learnt more about this religion - Soka and it helps to build my faith in practicing, at the same time shares about this religion. With the absolute victory of this Youth Summit, there are a lot of people I have to thank. Firstly, it is my family who gave me both the emotional and physical support. They accommodated my training hours by planning meal times around them and also came down on 22nd Aug 18 for the full dress rehearsal. Half way through the show, it started raining heavily and they were drenched. However, instead of complaining, they told me our performance was great! Of course, not forgetting these friends who came to support me on 26th Aug 18. Ariel, Tricia, Jade, Xinhui, Jaylce, Cindy and Yvaine. Th...