Life is unpredictable, treasure the moment! 生命無常,珍惜當下!

02/01/18 :- Life is unpredictable, treasure the moment! 生命無常,珍惜當下! I have seen a similar photo being forwarded in social media sometime ago. Since then, it has made me think a lot about life and I have wanted to blog about it. However, time never seem enough for me to sit down and pen my thoughts down. So much has happened within a short span of time to people around me, I think it is high time I sit down to blog my feelings and thoughts. At the same time, hopefully it serves as a gentle reminder to the readers of this blog. I bet most of us have always hold this thought in our minds, "I still have tons of time left, I can do this later (tomorrow, next week, month, year, etc)." It may be true today, tomorrow or next week. But, how long more can this sentence of "I still have time" stay true? Even if we say the average lifespan of a person is 75 years old. What makes us think we really can do so? Have we truly give a thought on this? When our mo...