Busy but fulfilling!

This was a decision made consciously. What decision? To be busy! Why? I'm still young (or at least not that old) to work hard or rather harder to achieve what I want. Sometimes, I wonder why am I even in the office when all my colleagues and friends are out on a Friday night, then my mum's words came to me, "I rather have you working than out playing and spending/wasting money." Nope, she didn't say those words to me now. It was when I was only 14years old. Back then, it was the minimum age to start working part time at McDonald's. She sort of "forced" me to go work part time at McDonald's after school. Not a day of rest till a month before my "O" levels. I was hanging out too much with my friends back then which triggered her to force me into the workforce. And by working at McDonald's, she can watch over me as well as "torture"/train me. Thinking back, it was a pretty good experience and ma...