Della Ding Dang - Dare to Love 丁噹 - 《敢爱敢当》

My 1st Della's album! There is definitely no regret in buying this album. The only regret is why didn't I bought all her previous albums?! Let's recap the 3 steps in appreciating a whole new album I've bought :- First, play and listen to the whole album once to find out what kind of songs are being recorded in the CD. Second, listen to the songs and look through the lyrics together. Third, put on the ear piece / head set and feel the song. (Trust me on this, listening to the CD using speakers and ear piece is very different.) The first 2 songs I fell in love with after listening to it the first few times were track number 3 《敢爱敢当》 and 4 《说破》. And it's not to my surprise that 林夕wrote 《敢爱敢当》 as this is not the 1st time I fell in love with a song just by listening to it and later found out that he is the lyricist of the song. If you have not bought this album, please get out this very minute to grab one! Especially if you have just ended a relat...