Are your eyes seeing the right things? 眼睛看到的就是真的吗?

20/01/014 :- Are your eyes seeing the right things? 眼睛看到的就是真的吗? Are you a bad boy? How do you define a bad boy? Someone with unique hair color / hairstyles and tattoos all over yet loves his family with all he has? The son who wants to find a girlfriend who's willing to move in and stay with his mum so that there is someone to look after the mum when she's old. Or someone who has a neat and decent hairstyle with a "clean" body (no tattoo) who is a high flyer and love money more than anything else? He could be a doctor/lawyer/businessman who's rich enough to send his mum to the old folks home but visit her only once a year. What's your answer? Quoting my Godma, “其实像你们这些把头发染得五颜六色,满身刺青的反而比较真。不像我们这些身体干净的人,其实心里都是坏的图案。” Translation : "In fact, people like you guys who dyed hair to all sorts of colors and with tattoos all over are more genuine than people like us who appears to have a clean body where our hearts are filled with ugly patterns....