Follow your heart - Do Good!

29/07/13 :- Charity and doing good needs no reason, spread your love! 做慈善行好事无需理由,将爱心传递! This is the second time I'm shaving my hair for "Hair For Hope". I have friends asking me, "Why do you choose to do that?" or "Why Cancer Foundation? Was it because of your dad?" Do we really need a reason why we want to do charity? To me, I don't see the need to. I donate or help people who I feel worth my time or money. My sisters and I grow up in a big extended family, we love to share and do things for people around us. More than once, my sister told me whenever she changed to a new work environment, her colleagues would doubt her sincerity. She loves to give little stuff to colleagues, like making brownies for all her colleagues on V-day, giving thank you cards to all her colleagues after a school event. Same for me, the first year I entered SDC, I pack little goodies bags for Halloween and went to office early to paste it under the chairs of ...