Sunshine in the heart! 心中的阳光!

21/02/13 :- The sunshine in my heart keeps me smiling! 心中的阳光就是让我一直微笑的理由! There is double meaning to the sunshine I kept in my heart. I love the sun and I associate happy thoughts, things and people to sunshine. Though it's not easy, I try my best to only contain happy stuff in my heart. That is what keeps me smiling. Another reason is I love sunshine type of girl and for now, someone in particular. Even though we may not get to see each other as much as I like to, there is always so much to talk about whenever we meet up. I still get the butterflies fluttering in my stomach kind of feeling before our every meet up and my heart still races whenever I am with her. She has rejected my love, not once nor twice but thrice. I know not if I should or would I ever confess a fourth time. So, for now, the best place to keep my feelings for her is my heart. And by doing so, it keeps me smiling! \(^_^)/