Opportunity seized, success is the only destination!

Was at the crossroad & now I've chosen the path to take! Well, when I first heard from others, I was contemplating if I should or rather how to reject the offer. I thought I wasn't well prepared for the change. But nothing happened for the rest of the week after I was told of the news. So, I thought all was settled & I happily went back to my hometown. =D Spent wonderful times with my babies cousin & nephew! Back at BP, Mum & aunties wanted to go to this fortune teller, so being the all-time chauffeur, I drove them to the place & conveniently have my fortune told too. I didn't go there with a specific issue to ask abt, coz I thought it was just a tagged along thing. The fortune teller said, "You have missed out a lot of opportunities in the past. Simply because you stood still & refuse to move forward to seize the opportunity that came by due to your fear. There's a BIG one coming soon again. Go for it! For if you take this up, you...