Monday Blues NO MORE!

Are you feeling this way? For 2 weeks, I've not have Monday Blues! =D Last Mon, I started my gym session with Jie & WC. Today is the 3rd time. =) Hope to keep this going. Why the sudden gym sessions & slightly healthier diets? Though I don't look like, I'm approaching my BIG 3!!! I'll be celebrating my 30th b'day 2 more years down the road. For the past 28 years, I've lead a sedentary lifestyle. All those late nights mj, countless supper, chiong till 4am clubbing & many more "health destructing" activities were conquering my life. Now, it's time to eliminate them or at least minimize them to the lowest. Oh, coming back to my no blue Mondays. The ang mo gym instructor was on duty 2nite!!! \(^_^)/ I think she does Mon shifts. I shall force diligently go for my Mon gym sessions from now on le! I managed to complete 2.4km (my usual was 1.6km or even pushing to the limit was 2km) during WHP hour tis afternoon & a GREAT gym workout at ni...