Pan Mei's 41st B'day!!

It's the time of the year again! Pan Mei turns 41 this year! Yet she don't look a day over 30! =P My supder idol of all times!! Wohoo!! v(^_^)o Looking fwd to her bringing her 《美梦辰真》 2010 潘美辰 亚洲巡回演唱会 to Singapore!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST IDOL, EAGLE PAN!! Oh, and this year b4 her concert in Chong Qing, she has openly announced that she's not gona get married, pregnant or has kids. Her GREATEST love is still MUSIC. =) Way to go!!! Make us MORE GREAT MUSIC instead then!! (^^,) She said she's a “三不女人”(不结婚、不怀孕、不生孩子)。 On her previous r/s, she said ,“当时我跟对方的关系仅限于吃饭、聊天,时间久了就知道该结束了。我认为感情只是一个儿女情长的私事,我宁愿选择‘大爱’,音乐是我的生命,我不会为任何人放弃音乐,至于小孩,对我来说是很遥远的事,我没想过。我承认我是一个很自私的人,我的精力全部用在了我的音乐上。”