3 leaves clover. 三叶草。

Sth for u to ponder over... Luck or HAPPINESS? 值得思考的一件事。。。 幸运还是幸福? Haru 的一天之三叶草:- 大部分人都在寻找有四片叶子,代表《幸运》的三叶草,可是三片叶子的三叶草,她的花语,却鲜为人知。 三片叶子的三叶草,代表《幸福》。 是不是为了苦苦找寻《幸运》,我们才对一直停留在身边的《幸福》视而不见了呢? From the book of a day in Haru's life, I'm sharing this interesting article on 3 leaves clover:- Most ppl are searching for the four leaves clover which represent Luck, however most ppl do not know what does a three leaves clover represent. A three leaves clover represents HAPPINESS. Have we spent too much effort in searching for Luck till we neglect the HAPPINESS that has always been with us all these while?