Chinese New Year 2009!

How was your CNY, folks? If you have not been enjoying, do yourself a favor, man! There's still 11more days of CNY, play hard & enjoy yourself for at least 1 full day, yah? =) Every year, I look forward to CNY! If you have a family as BIG & CLOSE as mine, you wld be too. However, it doesn't mean you can't have the same kind of happiness like I had if your family is much smaller. =P Upon arriving at our beloved Gpa's hse, we just can't resist taking photos with our youngest cousin, WL! Cousin no.29 special! Each year, only during this moment, we have the adults serving us! (Jie's joining the adults group next year to cook for us!) heez =P Since we have nth to cook or eat just yet, we grab the chance to photo whore! The whites, the greens & the kiddies! v(^_^)o Ohana! Isn't my top nice? Dearest Qiqi bought for me on her Chiang Mai trip last year & I super love it! It's a standard routine for us to go house visiting on the 1st day of CNY!! 1...