Who Defines Value? 誰賦予事物價值?

28/10/2024 :- Who Defines Value? 誰賦予事物價值? Everyone has their own view on what makes life meaningful and valuable. Some see value in career achievements, while others find it in family harmony. So, who truly decides if something holds meaning or is valuable? In each person’s life, the standards for value and meaning are not fixed; they can change and evolve. From a young age, our values are shaped by culture, education, and family backgrounds. Even parents raise their children differently—some prioritize academics, others character, and some happiness. These approaches aren’t about right or wrong, nor about ranking higher or lower. When we face life’s challenges or make significant decisions, it’s our personal experiences and feelings that guide us down a path rich in meaning. For me, the meaning and value of life may not lie in gaining others' approval, but in staying true to our inner choices and pursuing them wholeheartedly. Often, we commit to something not because it meets ot...