Too much on your plate? 太多東西在你的餐盤上?

19/04/22 :- Too much on your plate? 太多東西在你的餐盤上? Do you sometimes feel you have too much on your plate? Everyone seems to want a part of you. A lot of things require your time and attention. You feel like you need to split yourself up or become an octopus. Most of us do. At different points in time. It is not easy. But learn to focus and really do one thing at a time. The most important thing is... Learn to relax and take a break once in awhile. Even if it is just 5mins. 你有時會覺得你的餐盤裡有太多東西嗎? 每個人似乎都想要你的一部分。 很多事情需要你的時間和關注。 你覺得你需要把自己分裂出來或成為八爪魚。 我們大多數人都有過著感受。 就在不同的時間點。 這並不容易。 但是要學會專注,一次只做一件事。 最重要的是。。。 學會放鬆,偶爾休息一下。 哪怕只是5分鐘。