The real or imaginative you?

19/08/21 :- Did you fall in love with the real them or the imaginative them? 你愛上的是真實的他/她們還是你幻想中的他/她們? The imaginative them does not mean they do not exist, not like that imaginary friend you have. It means the kind of person (usually good) you imagined they are. In real life, they are (actually not as good) just not what you have imagined. 幻想中的他/她們並不是指他/她們不存在,不是你那個只活在你幻想中的朋友。 是指你幻想著他/她們是某一種人 (通常都是好的)。 但現實生活中,他/她們並不是如你想像中一樣 (往往都是沒那麼好)。 Someone asked this question recently. I think this is something worth pondering over. 最近有人問了這個問題。 我覺得還蠻值得深思的。 This happened to alot of people around me. My family and close friends. 這其實在我身邊發生過 - 我的家人與朋友都曾經歷。 I believe there are times you may have said this to someone too. "He/she is not as good as you think they are." As an outsider, there are things we can truly see clearer than the person involved. Yes, on one hand, we can say they are blinded by love. 想必你或許曾經對其他人說過。 “他/她並不是你想像中那麼好。” 身為局外人,我們或許看得比當局者清楚。 是的,或許一方面,我們可以說他/她們被愛迷惑。 Yet, when we are...