With GREAT power comes GREAT responsibility! 能力越大意味著責任越重!

07/06/2021 :- With GREAT power comes GREAT responsibility! 能力越大意味著責任越重! Every one of us has different roles to play in life. We are our parents' child, our siblings' siblings, our children's parents, a leader or member in our religion, a student or an ex-student from a certain school, etc. Since I was young, I am drilled with the idea that people would blame my parents for it whenever I misbehave. It would make others think that my parents didn't teach me well. As we grow older, we may gain power, authority or position in the areas we are involved. How we behave may be due to our own characters, personal feelings or decision based on our own judgement. Yet, it is inevitable that others who know you as a certain "role", will tend to associate your behavior as that of all those who belong to the same group as you. "Oh, so this is how XX's child is like?" "Oh, so this is the kind of student XX school produced?" "Oh, so this is the wa...