Number Game 數字遊戲

17/10/21 :- If it is a number game, would you hang on till the end? 若只是個數字遊戲,你會堅持到最後嗎? What if I tell you some of the things in life that you wanted are nothing but number games? If you can see the whole picture, would you be able to emerge as the winner in life? I often get a lot of light bulb moments when I chant. This was another night. This is not a secret or magic. We merely lack the ability to see the whole picture. Thus we do not have the determination and gave up before we reach the end. I think back of my own past. How many times or things did I give up because I did not hang in till the end? I gave up simply too easily. Or maybe, those were not the things I really wanted (that badly)? We set targets on the things we want. Halfway through the process, we felt tired, rejected, hopeless. We could not find the will to carry on. We tell ourselves, this is not working out. Let us just give up and go after something else. If I know, after 99 times: - of approaching a customer for a ...