22/09/19 :- BE AUTHENTIC! 做真實的自己! Do you actually have AUTHENTIC and RISKTAKING friends who are willing to be TRUTHFUL and OPEN with you, put TRUST in you that you know whatever they do or say is a way of CARING for you? I am proud to say I have a lot of best friends whom I can pour my hearts to. These friends are those I truly care and hold closely to my heart. However, being a perfectionist in the past and trying very hard to be the Mr Nice Guy, I never had the courage to tell them how I have felt even if I know it is going to help them. My image was at stake and I was not willing to risk it. I am glad after attending a course which I would say is a turning point in my life, I now find the courage to speak truly and openly on what is on my mind such that I can help those around me grow. Tonight (21Sep19), there was a fire burning in me and I have this strong desire to meet a close friend at 2350 and share how I felt about the situation my friend is in. From the bo...