Never judge by appearance - 永遠不要以外貌下判斷
Tattoos - A sign of rebelliousness, gangsters, evil, etc. However, is that the truth? Every tattoo tells a story and I know this is not where it would stop. I can only say, if you judge me by my past or from what you think you see, you may not be able to truly appreciate my present nor enjoy the fruits which my future may bring. Are you ready to leave my past behind, walk with me till we reach the end of this journey? 刺青 - 象徵著叛逆,流氓與邪惡,等等。 不過,真是如此嗎? 每一個刺青都述說一個故事,而我也知道故事不會停在這裡。 我只能說,你若以我的過去或你認為你眼前所看到的來對我下判斷,你就無法真正欣賞我的現在更不用說享用我的未來有可能帶來的果實。 你是否準備好拋開我的過去,與我同行直到旅程的終點?