Keep making improvements! 持續進步!

28/03/19 :- Take the leap, make the change! Do something different! 跨出去,做改變! 做些不一樣的事! My command of Chinese has always been better than that of English. I have wrote a couple short stories and more songs than I did for poems. Never have I read poems books and got hooked on them. Now that I have been introduced and got addicted, miracles happened. In a little more than 2 days, I've composed 2 English poems which took me less than 2 hours each to get them pen down. In the past, I used to write better after downing at last a glass of red wine. I reached a plateau when I decided to quit on alcohol. It took me around 6 months to get used to finding inspiration without the aid of alcohol. I used to think and always put myself in an extreme state of sadness to find great inspiration to pen down my thoughts into my stories or songs. Never have I expect the power of absolute happiness gave me more inspiration than I got when I was at the lowest point of sadness. Someti...