Prove yourself, Strawberry Generation! 證明自己吧,草莓族!

28/06/18 :- Strawberry generation, have a strong mind and take positive actions! 草莓族,思維要強並採取正面行動! A little incident happened this afternoon and I cannot help wondering. Decided to blog a little thought so as to remind myself how to raise a strong kid in future. Entrepreneurship is never easy, everyone knows that. I respect all start-up business as well, which is why I will attend any business presentations people ask me to evaluate. "We do not know what we do not know." is something I strongly believe in. Not till you give somebody a chance to show you what you may not know or something you thought you know it all, do not assumed. There is always something to learn from people around us. Even if what they showed you is not something you are interested in, I believe you will have some takeaway from the whole event. Have an open mind and most importantly, play fair. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it is not friendly to use your power or authorit...